I'm down to the last few days here in New York City.
On saturday I will be leaving for Salt Lake City with Miss Thang in tow.
We will be very happy to be reunited Dave.
Apparently there are many nasty storms coming this weekend?
I foresee fun times stuck at the airport with a crabby Lola.
We'll see if my residence is permanent in Salt Lake City.
I am tempted by the idea of having a backyard and a vegetable garden to worry over.
Perhaps if I can focus on my carrots I will stop being so neurotic over my scrapbook pages.
Can you grow carrots successfully in the SLC summer?
The climate seems rather severe- AHA! A challenge!
I will admit I have huge HUGE concerns about moving.
The first and foremost is diversity- of all kinds.
I am very comfortable in Brooklyn where if you swing a hoola-hoop you will hit someone from a random and fascinating part of the world you've always wanted to visit.
And a young person who grew up in the midwest but is now running around wearing ironic 80's hair band t-shirts, ripped jeans, thick framed glasses and a mustache.
I'm not sure what I'm reacting to so negatively.
I've traveled lived in Oklahoma City, Detroit, Denver and even a tiny town in Texas where the movie theater was a 20 mile drive "into town".
I liked all those places.
Perhaps it's the reality that I will most likely not return to New York which is now the most expensive city in America.
Salt Lake City is beautiful and lively.. and COLD... and SNOWY... and spread out in all kinds of distressing ways which never include public transportation.
I will be trapped in the home we are staying until I learn to drive.
The last time I visited there weren't any sidewalks because it was assumed everyone drove.
There is another place that does that.
It is my opinion that you are a true New Yorker if you do the following things:
- You know what a Egg Cream is and you take the subway to some random neighborhood in Brooklyn because "it's the best one around". You can substitute pupusa, canoli, bagel or curry goat for egg creams which are also popular in Baltimore and Philly.
- You've pushed hard to get into the crowded subway train car at 8:45am expecting to get to work on time. Actual physical distance of work to home be damned.
- You hate LA.
Los Angeles is the anti- New York.
A vast shinning wasteland of stuck-in-traffic cars, smarmy "agents" looking for the next rap video girl (this actually happened- I'll tell you about it someday- and yes- I declined), smog and people INSISTING they are happy because they sun sets there.
No one walks in LA unless it's in some strange gym machine that takes up half a room.
Life is best where you are happiest, where you feel most productive and centered.
It is my deeply held belief that I will be happy wherever Dave and Lola are.
Ok so there won't be decent pizza or Polish pastry available.
I think that might be ok too.
I can try to make my own right? (hanging question mark- we all know that ain't happening)
A scrap page:
Perhaps I wasted this gorgeous thick Crane's paper meant for fancy wedding invites? It really would have taken press embossing well. Materials: Scrap FX graphic circle and Playground alphabet set, A Flair For Buttons "yes!" button, Sassafras Lass sticker, My Mind's Eye enamel dots, Webster's Pages triangle paper, My Mind's Eye pink striped paper, My Mind's eye alphabet sticker sheet. Numbers stencil from Plaid. Yellow plastic triangles from Freckled Fawn. |
Layering doesn't have to be a million little things. Here I created a grid background with a few sheets of leftover sticker sheets. It goes alphabet sticker sheet, journaling sticker, black paper to cover journaling lines that were distracting, "Go for it" sticker from Jillibean Soup, Sassafras heart, title. The trick is to try to choose items that have at least 1 color similar and vary the edge shapes. Stenciling things into the backgrounds also helps- if you make a "mistake" it's easily covered by your layers. |
Dang it- I have to get a better shot. The challenge is "Before and After" and you have to do a LOT of journaling. |
The views of the Empire State Building are INCREDIBLE- check it out.
This was taken with my crappy ipod camera. Can you see the rain falling in the Bronx to the right? SEE MOM? TOLD YA! The weather is different borough to borough! We just had really cool waves. This place is AMAZING. |
Have a GREAT week everybody!