
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

XoXo- I heart U!

Have you not tried a scraplift challenge over at True Xoxo Girls? Really? No way! 
The prizes are always AHHMAYZIN'! 
The design team is wonderfully diverse so you are sure to find a style you can "lift" each and every month. I encourage you to head on over and try it out.

Here is April's lil ditty from moi:
MATERIALS: MLS City by the bay paper, SC cloud rub-ons, airplane and yellow alphas,
Bee and circles from DCWV Artful Life pad.

 It was late. Miss Lola was giving us hell. I was worried about MIL in hospital recuperating from operation (Get well Reyna!). Anxiety attack! So I started putting strips of paper on this LUSCIOUS piece of buttery yellow MLS paper (which I got for the brick pattern on back). I added a salvaged piece from previous night's MAJOR PAPER DRAMZ- 
(an SC Schoolhouse red bottle that I spilled onto my fave grid print- THE HORROR- seriously- I wigged out) and a cut out bee from a FABULOUS DCWV Artsy Life pad and... Whaaaaaaa?... 
Something happened- 
A page I LOOOOVE. 

Red/white/blue twine? HEART U!!! Got it at
How much do I covet that yellow fabric print from MLS?
First handmade embellie- K and Co handmade fabric

New avatar I'm trying out still love the old one.
Quick enlarged look- I need to rethink my 3 column blog design. ;)

MuChOs SmOoChEs!


  1. Sooooo funny!!! I love the little photos!!!

  2. Super fab layout Michelle! I love all the textured elements and the bee in the center is so fun! Very cool layout! (I hope your MIL has a speedy recovery! :))


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