
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Scraping In Spanish

Rice Luv
MATERIALS: Bella Blvd Family Dynamix roots paper, uniball pen in white and black, Studio Calico State Fair sticker, Maya Road yellow ribbon, American Crafts alphas, We R Memory Keepers Sew Easy- scallops
I am a native spanish speaker... who NEVER utters a word in spanish! Mostly because Spanish speakers can get MAD snobbish about my sad Nuyorican accent. I'm ashamed of my unrolled Rs and M.I.A Ss.

Sketch By Lizzie Wurmann
I wish I had the lolling, relaxed accent of an island Boriqua but alas- it's a cross between my college professor's Castillian spanish and my parent's Puerto Rican-but-not-quite-because-we've-lived-here-26 years-of-our-adult-lives accent which I currently mangle. Hey! At least I don't transpose a U sound for an A sound in my words- that's like- SO GHETTO (or as they say "back home" in PR "PURO caserio")!

WHY is this chick TALKING about this????? Oh because an artist I have admired for many moons now, Lizzie Wurman, put up a SWANK sketch on Pasion Por El Scrap.

I happened by, tried it and LOVED IT! And I LOVE that I will now be practicing my spanish reading 'cause Pasion is an AWESOME website! I didn't give my page a spanish title- spanish can get wordy and I like short movie marquee titles to try to grab the viewer's attention. This page could have been called "Amadora de arroz" or "Ella ama el arroz" which is AWKWARD. So "rice luv" it is and the journaling is in spanish- or directly translated from english spanish- cause let's be real- that ain't proper spanish grammar. 
Translation: Rice was your first "real" food. You made me laugh
when you picked it up 1 grain at a time.
Excuse me- isn't that Bella Blvd woodgrain paper TO. DIE. FOR?
 OMG I have a new company to drool over!!!!
Now all spanish speaking folks who read Pasion will laugh their booties off saying "That silly Americana couldn't find and use an accent if it landed on her nose and did the Cha cha cha." Actually they wouldn't reference the cha cha- that's just me 'cause I'm currently laughing at Dancing With The Stars- or Moving Disasters as I like to call it. If you think I sound bad- rent a Jennifer Lopez movie where she tries to impersonate an actual spanish speaker- THAT is embarrassing!

MuChOs SmOoChEs!
La Chella


  1. love the woodgrain paper - and your page of course. So colourful! And the Lola's clothing matches :-)

  2. Thanks Michelle for using the sketch to create such a beautiful page. I love the textures and the vibrant colors you used, not to mention that sweetie.....Lola!


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