Happy wednesday folks!
This is my latest page for
Scrap FX and it's currently up on their blog.
Materials: scrap FX dart board setand Sieze The Day wordlett, Echo Parl woodgrain paper, Crate instaframe paper (FAVE!), EK Success triangle punch (awesome!) puffy star ribbon from a Studio Calico kit. |
I had two hours to finish this page.
It's how I work these days and my design style has changed because of it.
I'm using two great pieces of advice to get handle on what's important and what can wait:
Both come from blog comments.
From SoaphouseMama- discuss with your spouse what three household tasks are most important and make sure those get done.
For me the top three household tasks are:
-washing the dishes
-fixing dinner (and making enough so there's left overs for next day's lunch)
-making sure Lola's toys aren't all over the floor ready to trip and kill any of us.
But really- the house can look like a crack den as long as the dishes are done.
Dave claims he doesn't have three things.
I really wish he would just pick three things.
I think Dave is avoiding having to DO said three things.
The second comes from Jenn - limit your task list to 5 items a day.
Sage advice.
Naturally I find a way to over think it:
Is combing Lola's hair a "task"? She screams and fights and runs around making it so.
Plus I have to do it twice a day- does that mean it's TWO items on my list?
Which is why you see so many shots of Lola with a hat on.
Lola Hat = Mama sanity
Here was my list for yesterday:
- 1. Return new rug to TJ Maxx as it had a HUGE hole (the rug was rolled up to hide the hole)
- 2. Take Lola to the park (nixed due to rain- took Lola to the supermarket- sorry kid!)
- 3. Supermarket
- 4. Call medical insurance and find out why Lola was kicked off (she wasn't).
- 4a. Call doctor and discuss why they have insurance info from 2010.
- 4b. Fax new documents to doctor (ei- find a store that still HAS a fax machine and pay for said faxing.)
- 5. Wash dishes. (don't EVEN ask)
- 6. Cook (ditto)
- 7. Punky Scraps page
- 8. Redo flair buttons pages for possible magazine submission (this took all my scrap time)
- 9. Give Lola bath and put her to bed (this is important since I work past 10pm now and don't get to do it as much as I would like) Also clean Lola's teeth and comb her hair- or as I like to call it- chasing Lola.
- 10. Write blog post (nixed- doing so now at 11am)
How do I even tackle things like clean scrap space, find 8 standing hours shoes and do something about new iTouch that doesn't work with 8 year old Mac? (first world problem!!)
OH! And WHEN will I send the care packages that I've had sitting under my scrap desk since MAY.
(insert small scared scream here)
So that's my life right now- I'm SURE it's yours as well.
Fall Hamlet. SO. NOT. POSED! I wanted a smile. I got this. (Awesome!!) |