
Saturday, February 15, 2014

Inspiration Elevator- Facing Your Greatest Life Challenge


So I've blogged plenty about my greatest life challenge.

It wasn't moving to Utah.
Now that it's getting closer to spring I could ALMOST like it here.

My greatest life challenge was seeing my little girl look like this:

Lola was born 6 weeks early with a condition called Chylothorax where
liquid normally recycled though the heart and out the body drained into her lung
cavities. Luckily her actual lungs had developed just enough to allow normal breathing so
she spent three weeks in the NICU with tubes inserted into her sides to drain the liquid.
She was in constant pain and I couldn't hold her for the first 4 days for fear of dislodging the tubes.
Miss Lola- hyper active, able walk at 10 months old, curly headed and sleepy eyed, currently refusing to eat anything for breakfast- is perfectly fine these days.

In 2009 I found out I was having a baby and lost my job job all in the same day.

To say I was shocked and awed doesn't explain the half of it.
And life has been crazy ever since.

Jobs we thought stable are now gone.

Neighborhoods that were affordable suddenly became the center of the cooliverse and filled with grocery stores selling exotic fruit vinegar for 20 dollars a bottle.
Moved to find new opportunities but found our backgrounds were still lacking.

 "Starting over" isn't fun- it's excruciating.
The hardest part is letting go of your expectations and your past.

So this is my page for the month:

For my page I chose to add the story to several tags behind the photo for a cleaner layout. 
I recently showed Lola the hospital photos because she asked about the small holes under each arm.
I told her those marks make her very special as only 1 in 10,000 children are afflicted and survive birth.
I used Jenni Bowlin stamps, Basic Grey alphas. The wood alphas are from Recollections
and the little wood hearts from Cocoa Daisy's January kit.

Here is the group challenge:

You may recall that the purpose of this challenge group is to take our scrapbooking to the next level, to stretch our creative process and to grow as artists by embracing challenges that make us think, work and extend ourselves. 
You can view all of the challenges our Inspiration Elevator Blog, here

We are thrilled to welcome back Audrey Yeager this month as a guest designer. Audrey recently came into ownership of My Scraps & More online store, and has graciously offered a prize this month! Read on to find out how you could win!

Our challenge this month comes from the very talented Michelle Hernandez. Here's how she expressed this month's challenge:

"Inspiration Elevator Challenge February- Phoenix Rising.
I'm going through one of the toughest times of my life right now. Huge changes, dashed expectations, embarrassing set backs- it's all overwhelming, all the time. I have the love and support of my family and my health- so it could be worst but still - it sucks.
My challenge for February:
Tell a story visually or through your journaling that speaks to your greatest challenge and most importantly how you dug yourself out. This should be a celebration of your faith, personal resilience and/or creativity. A story you'd like to tell your kids, grandkids or yourself when things get rough. "

Guest designer: Audrey Yeager 

We would LOVE to see you take up the challenge this month, so if you do, please share it at our linkup on the Inspiration Elevator blog. 

Extra incentive? There is a great RAK this month!

So, how do you win Audrey's prize? It's simple - leave a comment! 
Audrey will choose one random comment from one random blog to win the $15 gift certificate to My Scraps & More. 
Thanks so much, Audrey!

Swing by their blogs and check out how they met and beat their greatest monster.

Princess hair flipping lessons. 2/14/14

Have a great weekend- even in 2 feet of snow NYC. (LOL- it's 60 degrees and sunny here in SLC- how's THAT for silver lining?)



  1. What a gorgeous page! I love the way you used the space and those gorgeous stamped, fussy cut butterflies. Thanks for leading us on scrapbooking a painful moment or challenging time. It helps us find perspective, doesn't it?Great page and challenge!

  2. I love your story. I see so much of the past 4 years of our lives reflected in your post and I think everything we went through made us stronger and got us to where we are today.

    Plus, your layout rocks too. :)

  3. You layout is just beautiful, Michelle! Thank you so much for sharing your story - so inspirational for anyone who is struggling. I find that when we learn to let go of our expectations, we can then grab onto life in a new way and embrace the everyday with all it's blessings! {hugs}
    Joanne xo

  4. Michelle, Thank you for sharing this and the story of your beautiful baby :) She is SO stinkin' adorable. I love your real-ness...always inspiring. Your page is brilliant with the butterflies and the raw wood just all perfectly placed. Hope things are looking up from here girl! :)

  5. thank you for the challenge this month, how you chose to tell the story...your layout is just gorgeous!! Keep focused on the's all we have!! xoxo

  6. Wow wonderful story :) I absolutely love your LO and that photo is awesome. TFS and inspiring :)

  7. wow what a great page and thing to scrap!!! she is such a lil cutie too!!!

  8. Awesome story! So glad she is ok! My son was born premature too and spent time in the NICU, it's a scary time. Beautiful page!

  9. Beautiful layout and a beautiful challenge! Thank you for this! and she is adorable!

  10. Fantastic page, great way to add the journalling and such a perfect title! I also really like your photo, kind of makes me think of light at the end of the tunnel!

  11. Wow I've missed reading your writing. My own fault as I clearly haven't been by your blog in too long. I saw this page on FB and of course thought it so elegant. There's this impact with minimalism-ness to your page! I hope the craziness settles down soon and loads of luck comes your way girl!

  12. oh I love your writing Michelle. Have to smile because I know people who've moved to the cooliverse - so true! So LOVE your layout. Yep - one day at a time.

  13. What an incredible page! You have overcome a lot, and I just LOVE your title. My Aunt used to say that to me all the time when I was little and sometimes I still try and use that as my mantra, too! Thanks for the awesome challenge this month!

  14. Beautiful and moving story Michelle.

  15. Keep it coming, Sweetie. Your work is so upbeat and pretty!

  16. It's amazing how many of us have experienced a tremendous amount of upheaval in lives that we thought we had together, isn't it? One day at a time, girl. :-) Love the layout, too.


Ok peeps lets CHAT! You tell me what you REALLY think and I PROMISE to keep it open minded here.