
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Manic Mondays with A Flair For Buttons


Wow it was a crazy monday!

First- someone hacked or cloned my email- if you got an email from me with a link DO NOT OPEN IT!
I spent half the morning trying to figure out how to hook up a google account.
So now I have a new email- yay! 
It appears on the upper right hand corner there.
My brother (computer genius) assures me I'll no longer get Canadian Viagara emails which is nice.

 Then I posted this over at the A Flair For Buttons blog:
My latest A Flair For Buttons page. I love their new Photo booth pack- swing by the blog and check it all out!
I am IN LOVE with Crate's "On Trend" collection! Jewel tones- lots of fantastic black and white prints- it's PERFECT.
2012 was crazy with work schedule drama but we pulled through. 
Then I went to the dentist and was told the root canal I thought I needed is elective (YAY!!) but I have three cavities.
I am really good with brushing after last year's bloody root canal.
(My dentist asserts the pain was all in my imagination as root canals don't hurt. !!! Yeah ok dude! That jammie hurt like a MO FO!)

Then I started this:
Cleaning up? Hardly!
I must be CRAZY!!!!
I've had enough with the mess and clutter in my "scrap space".

I considered doing a bunch of give-aways but realized it would take weeks and weeks to organize everything.

All the while I would second guess everything and drive my family crazy with boxes all over the place.

I need this room clean and accessible to The Lolster ASAP.

I will be giving 40% of my unused scrappy stuff to Materials For The Arts which connects teachers and after school programs with the supplies they need to make awesome art in NYC schools.

Not because I'm particularly awesome.
Because I'm a crazed shopping maniac who's realized her kiddo needs room to play.

Lately she's been going around pointing at things saying Mommy's stuff, Mommy's stuff, Mommy's stuff- MY STUFF.

That was the biggest condemnation of my out of control spending I could have ever received.

She deserves her own space to play and dream.



  1. Your scrap space looks like mine. A mess of boxes. Hhehehehe.
    Fab layout as always! :-)

  2. Comforting to know there's another supply hoarder out there, but glad you are tackling it in such a positive way. Happy for you about the root canal because YEAH, THEY HURT!
    Glad you liked my feathers and of course you need to make some!
    Happy 2013 friend. Looking forward to blogging with you this year!

  3. Gorgeous page! I love all the bold colors and I must purchase some of those wood alphas. Good luck with your scrappy organization. Thanks for the inspiration! =)

  4. Ok first off I was beginning to wonder about you! And 2nd, I remember that song from the Movie Starsky and Hutch (with Owen Wilson and Ben Stiller). Everytime I hear it on the radio I laugh and think of it. I love your layout and that On Trend is so lovely. I have some myself. LOL she's getting so big. I love her hair. Hope you feel better.

  5. I guess that's a good way to get you started! Good for you, by the way :)

    I love that layout, Michelle. So funny pictures!

  6. Great fun layout and well done you for the clean-up, must feel good.

  7. Wow what a few weeks you had!!! Love the layout, can understand the craft room, I do a clean out every 6 months (my kids love me, they get lots of stuff ton play with) and also reminds me that I need to book the denisit :)

  8. Oh yeah, first of all I LOVE this page...that background paper, the design, the super fun pics, the get my drift! ;) Yup, my room has looked in that state before...I go kinda crazy then and can't make anything :( Good luck with the sorting, Materials for the Arts will soon be very happy!

  9. OK, LOVE this page! The layers, the bits, the title work, the fun photos... way to rock it! Pinned it!


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