
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Scrapbooking Graduations and New York City

Today I want to share some scrapbook pages I made for a client here in New York City who wanted to surprise his girlfriend.

More on that story later!

I really enjoyed making this book.

Not only was I going to tackle a whole book at once (until now I usually worked on individual pages) but I also had to make themed pages about graduation and prom- subjects I haven't scrapped before.

The actual design work was easy!
What I found difficult was trying to interpret the needs of my client into something that would please not only him but the person the book would eventually belong to, his girlfriend.

Finding colors and titles for pages were the hardest. I wanted to stick to a clean color palette that would please both men and women and I very much wanted to stay away from overly sentimental titles.

Here are two pages from the book:
Many of the photos had specific themes and were easy to group into cohesive story pages but photos for "New York Living" were by necessity, quite random in subject. I was worried this would be difficult to scrap till I realized the client knew where these were all taken and didn't need me to spell things out. I added a few journaling spots to write in particulars and got out his way. Then I thought- isn't that how our memories work anyway? We don't remember every single detail of the night we went to dinner but snippets from one memory lead to others. I used a LOT of Ormolu products on this book- their small size and modern design were perfect for pages with lots of photos. The flair badges are from a Flair For Buttons (which can be found on Etsy or 2 Peas In A Bucket).
For this page I cut into a sun-ray print from Studio Calico and added a polka dot background paper with a more subtle print. I used some of the fantastic ephemera my client has saved over the years- these were tickets from his commencement from George Washington University. I was very impressed with the variety of stuff he had saved- I wish my husband and I had the forethought to save bits and bobs from the beginning of our relationship 13 years ago!
Overall a fantastic client and experience.

I am now available to work on other projects. so if you are looking for help with your project or even for friendly advice on how to get started please don't hesitate to drop me a line.

My email:

Have a great wednesday everyone!


  1. WOW!! These are amazing! And awesome that someone asked you to do this!!

  2. You should be extremely proud of this work. It is so hard to create for someone else. Congratulations on finishing it and doing a beautiful job!I bet his honey will be THRILLED!

  3. I think you did a great job of trying to make the style appealing to the customer. That is so hard to do.

  4. What a great job you did - I'm sure they will both be thrilled to look at this over and over and over again!
    - Ann Jobes

  5. Stunning! I am so impressed with the flow of these designs. Your colours scheme and how you laid the photos and let them be the focus. I am huge fan and look forward to your Inspiration Elevator next month! xo

  6. These are AWESOME! I'm so impressed with it all! Thanks also for sharing your thought process!

  7. oh my goodness! These are awesome! LOVE the way you did those sun rays :)


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