
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Photo Inspiration Post

Hello there!
Happy wednesday!
All my current projects are awaiting publication in other blogs so I thought I would share some photos I've been saving for "inspiration".

I'm pretty whimsical in my scrapbooking.
Not in style but as in I tend to scrap what I feel like now- this very second.
I don't do it to record particular memories or moments- that's what my photos are for.
Most of the time I'm trying to capture a specific emotion or design idea and many of my pages are literally scrap for scrap's sake.
Sometimes this method works.
Many times it doesn't.

I'm also currently working on an organizing and scheduling system so I can "create" in a more consistent fashion and get those theme pages in because I think most people scrap for the joy of it but also to keep birthdays, anniversaries and vacations alive in their photo albums.

So here are some photos I find inspiring.
I took these but that's not why I like them- it's the subject matter that makes me sit up and take notice.
For color, layering and texture ideas.
For texture and doodling ideas
For rethinking the pie chart motiff (all rights reserved to it's designer )
For color blocking and page design ideas
String art! From a book! So trying this in my next page! 
For kinetic energy and message
For color and design 
Modern fussy cutting idea- Old Navy Tshirt
For message
Most of what I like about these photos is the cropping- the information that's included and the hints at what is left out.
I feel like I need to play with more of that in my work.
Also- I think it's time to get a new camera- shooting with an iTouch is getting OLD.
Lola at 13 months! Always an inspiration.
MuChOs SmOoChEs!


  1. Your photos are quite inspiring...funny thing is, I obviously don't know you that well, but something about these photos shouts your name. You have.a very unique style, in both your scrapping and your blogging, and it has really stood out (to me) in a crowd, keeping me coming back for more. Whatever it is you're doing, keep it up!

  2. These are inspiring indeed! I just got a new camera for my b-day and I LOVE it. It is a Canon Rebel EOS T3i. I pretty much just opened it up, read a few pages of the manual, and took some amazing photos. I think I could make even a portopotty look cool. The only problem... now I want to just walk all over the place taking photos!


Ok peeps lets CHAT! You tell me what you REALLY think and I PROMISE to keep it open minded here.