
Friday, June 29, 2012

Working Moms and scrapbooking: A space and time dilemma

The last friday of June! Aeeee!
Where did my favorite month go?
It's been so CRAZY here!
I'm working 10 hour days and on my days off I have to do the laundry, the grocery shopping, the last minute scrapbook assignment finishing(not a good way to work AT ALL) and squeeze in Mom and wife time as well.
A page I made for the Gauche Alchemy newletter.
New washi prints are in at the Gauche shop! Thereare also new individual rolls available.
Swing by and check out the offerings! Gauche Alchemy on ArtFire.
I had NO IDEA how organized and truly amazing some of my favorite bloggers where till I tried working full time myself.

WAIT! Before I annoy a lot of people- being a Mom is full time but my two year old naps twice a day. I used nap times to do the chores so my evenings and weekends were free.
Well no more!

I'm on my feet most of the day- when I get home all I want to do is lie down and feel sorry for my poor exploded feet.
THANK YOU Aerosoles! I found shoes I can stand on for hours.  Soft soled, comfortable leather
and the color is awesome- yes they still look sort of grandma like but WHATEVER!
I need my feet TILL I am a grandma! :)
I'm having so much fun it's hard to admit I'm letting people down. The work I'm making could be better, the family wants me to PAY ATTENTION, my friends are all wondering where the heck I went.
Something has to give.
I salute the women who "play this game" every day- you are AWESOME! You are MORE than AWESOME!
You are heros.

funny gifs
AAAA!!! LOVE!!!! From
I'm currently working on a schedule of ALL my time and how I spend it.
I can't believe how much awful tv I watch and how much time internet shopping eats up!
The click through time and the waiting for photos to load is also telling me I need update my computer.
And my shopping was already a problem so it's getting cut off from the schedule entirely! (Except for Two Peas newsletters. I need to keep up somehow!)

I'm a hard worker but even scrapbooking can turn into a chore if you have to schedule it in.
Chevron paper is from my LLS- I believe it's intended for invitations.
I used my Smash tape for the first time- the machine is kinda flimsy but I love it anyway.
Is that the world's smallest violin playing JUST for me?
I take that jammy and SMASH it on the floor! Like THIS: SMASH SMASH!!!
No. self. pity!
I'm gonna WIN at this working Mom stuff!
All I need is a better schedule and I must admit- a strict routine.
Instead of seeing that as a bad thing I will remember I don't HAVE to scrapbook- that I love it and that  routine will enable me to keep doing it and getting better at it (which was my goal with this blog and with joining DTs in the first place)

So wonderful friday readers- what do YOU do to ensure you create consistently? Any hints on scheduling or organizing your space for most efficiency? Let's chat!!
So this is why I got myself into the busy mess I'm currently in.
The number 1 priority.
MuChoS SmOoChEs!


  1. Michelle, you are a hero! I love the layout in this post. So awesome with the chevron and everything :) And I love your work shoes, too!

  2. Love this, love all the vellum circles!

  3. I'm not a working Mom, true, but I do work full time, maintain half a dozen blogs, and just finished writing and publishing a book, so I still think I can speak with some authority on this ;-)

    For me, it's all about the to-do lists. Now, you might think that's not a solution because your to-do list is longer than your arm, but I read a tip over a year ago that has vastly simplified things for me: you can only do 5 things a day. Trying to do too much makes us feel overwhelmed and we get less done.

    Those 5 things are to-do list items, not things like shower or make dinner or the routine maintenance things. You can have a big master list (I love my Planner Pad for that) but each day set 5 tasks for yourself. Even on Saturdays and Sundays (though sometimes the first to-do on Saturday is sleep in--we have to schedule self-care sometimes, too!).

    Since most of my day is spent at the office, 3 things a weekday are work-related, and 2 in the evening are me-related. Every night of the week I write a post for one of my blogs, so that's one, but the other spot is where I can put things like 4x6 swap piece or newsletter article or work on knitting project. Days off are my big project days, the days when I schedule the extra stuff, but still no more than 5 main-line tasks.

    And, like I said, it's worked for me for more than a year, now!

    Hang in there, Michelle, you'll get the hang of juggling work and home soon :)

    1. This is a GREAT idea! Implementing it as soon as possible! Yes I had problems with scheduling before I was a MOM but I could play it off because I had more "down time"- now there is zero room for error- it's do it NOW- TODAY- or it doesn't get done ever. I will have to see how I make those 5 item lists- I could see my self doing this: 1. clean house 2. new blog post. Both of which require a bunch of steps before you can say they are complete. Thank for for the food for thought! I will certainly keep you posted!

  4. Oh I have missed a lot. I try to keep up, but that is only dreaming. So when did you go back to work outside of the home? You can do it, you know you can! And you are still making incredible creations!!! Awesome! Emma hasn't napped since turning 2. She is quite a handful. Night time is my only time unless I can sneak some if we are home. And then I just want peace and quiet and feel as though I have been dragged around all day...and I have!

    Hang in there!!!

  5. Michelle, this is why I had to leave the lovely GA's :( I am rubbish at scheduling and I was not meeting my commitments :( I'm still behind now but am finding that having a SERIOUS destash has helped so I only have stuff now that I know I'll use, anything I hadn't looked at in years the girls nicked or I donated or *gasp* recycled. I seriously decluttered my working area and I have started writing down what I'm meant to be doing (I bet you do that already!) I have signed up to ONE weekly challenge just to give me a prod to do SOMETHING and I try and do at least half an hour a day, usually when the girls are at school or in bed.

    I'm lucky in that I work from home with Craig who is in effect my boss (and doesn't he know it!) But he is also very hot on asking me if I've drawn or painted that day which I'm very lucky with.

    Love this post Michelle and you know, that gif could be you!

    1. Thank you Carmen! I was very sad when you left GA. Over commitment and changing schedules are claiming many a scrappy lady- it's sad but I follow along in your personal blogs when I have the time... hmm that's pretty much never but I do read the emailed blog posts- lots of time to do so in the subway now- I just can't reply due to lack of reception. Thanks for swinging by- it's always good to see an old friend leave love. ;)

  6. p.s Have you seen Maggi's blog post today? That was excellent! Particularly liked the Dina Wakely vid she posted!

  7. First of all....your LO is totally amazing! Vellum circles on the bold chevron? LOVE IT!!!

    I think you hit the nail on the head when you mentioned TV. We don't watch TV and it is totally amazing what we are able to get done! In terms of housework and chores, I once asked my hubbs what his priorities were. Really asked him. I told him I wanted to know what irritates him most when it's not done. It was so interesting because my top 3 were so different than his top 3. Knowing what was important to him in the cleanliness arena, made it so when I could only do a couple of things, it would be what he cared about and then I didn't have to feel stressed about dropping the other balls because chances were he didn't notice anyway. Incidentally one of his things was keeping toys off the deck. LOL! Who knew? Dirty dishes didn't even make his list! So, instead of worrying about dishes in the sink, I can spend 2 minutes and gather toys...then get crafty. He is happy and so am I -win, win!

    I know you will work it out - hang in there!!!

  8. Oh Michelle, LOVE this LO!! The red, yellow, black color combo is fantastic and so is that bold chevron!

    I'm in the same boat as you though mine doesn't leave home. I've been running my hubbie's kennel business for a while now (poop patrol and plenty of other chores come with that territory_ and now I'm starting to teach online and open a store. I'm struggling finding that said balance you're looking for. I'm also finding it hard to help everyone here understand when my "work" hours are. Throw in running the kids everywhere under the sun and most days I feel like a flop!! LOL.

    I so appreciate this post as I was thinking what in the world happened to me?? I used to be able to leave home and work 40+ hours teaching, was taking classes toward my Master's, and had young kids. I thought it would get easier as they grew - no such luck yet.

    I like the idea of the 5 to do item list posted here in the comments and may give that a whirl!

  9. You CAN do it Michelle. Its not easy but you can. Family always comes first but you do need your escape to creative time. You will find the balance. Just give yourself time! :)

  10. First, I must give you ginormous HUG, and thank you for your sweet comments on my blog a while back. Talk about a bad scrappy friend. It's me (points at myself with both thumbs)! I am so in awe of what you are doing. I only work part time, and I know exactly what you are feeling....except it is probably way harder for you. You're still doing amazing work, you're still doing great blog I see you right now as a HUGE success! I schedule myself using google calendar, so it beeps and bops at me one week, one day, and one hour before I have to do something. I even have medication on a prompter. That's the only way I can make it work (especially having a kid with "special needs" like at least one appt a week).
    I don't watch much TV at all, I only watch it here and there just to spend time with my hubs (He loves TV). I craft in the early morning, and when everyone is gone (which isn't often). Unfortunately, as you have seen, I have been terrible at maintaining my friendships both in "real life" and online. :(
    Good luck, and I can't wait to see what you'll do. You ARE SUPERWOMAN! Whoop!

  11. Wow, great layouts Michelle! You never fail to amaze! Your use of color and composition is spot-on. Can you send some of your talent my way??? :)

    Gosh, do I know what you are feeling. I commute over 1-1/2 hours round trip each day to my job (my day starts at 5:15), so when I get home, all I want to do is prepare supper and veg. I don't watch TV but I am a voracious reader. Weekend nights are set aside for family and reading and possibly a chore or two. All my crafting is done on Saturday and Sunday. My son is almost grown now, which makes things so much easier, plus hubby knows how important my art is and doesn't gripe when I spend all weekend in my studio - well, as long as the food gets cooked, clothes get washed, and the vacuum robot gets turned on!

    Hang in there! You'll get a system started and then everything will fall into place. I guess I'm lucky that I can read all my blog subscriptions at work and even work on my write-ups when things are slow or during my lunch hour. I even do most of my on-line shopping at work (helps that I have a private office).

    I've just recently seen what it's like to work with multiple projects and deadlines and have to give you a round of applause for what you do. I honestly don't see how you designers keep coming up with new and fresh projects each and every week! I'm pulling for you girlfriend!

    Hugs from the Deep South.


  12. love that layout! it's awesome! good luck balancing everything. i dont have kids, but i do work A LOT and i have a hard time scrapping anymore...i have faith that you can do it, though!

  13. Hey Michelle!! Looks like you've got some great advice here...unfortunately I'm not in a place I can give any right now - as you know, I'm struggling too and I don't even have a little one (only a doggie and there's nothing to compare there!). So, are you working full time?? It's great to hear what you're doing! I think it'll take you a while to settle into a routine but you of all people will get there - you're driven, intelligent and positive. What I see most of my friends who have kids doing is getting help from the grandparents... and it seems to work if neither party feels guilty about/put out by it. Anyway, good luck and don't give up!! x

  14. Wow, 10 hour days has to be rough...even on single people without children. I feel your pain, sometimes I feel like I am spinning out of control. I work from home so I can't complain. As you know, I love making mosaics to sell but as a hobby too. Whenever I am getting ready for an art show, it truly feels like a job...not so much fun anymore. I find that taking a break from it every once in awhile does me good. Being refreshed can make all the difference in the world in the creative process.

    I LOVE this layout! The colors/patterns remind me of my latest ormolu calendar. :)

    Good luck with the job. Sounds very hectic, but it will get better!

  15. In no particular order:

    1. Love your family photo.
    2. What kind of work are you doing?
    3. Your LO is awesome! I love the yellow against the black, love the photo strip. I was especially amused by the tangled thread behind the word "family" -- that's almost profound! At least it would be for my family.
    4. I was a working mom for maybe 25 years or so, so I empathize! You seem to have loads of energy -- I'm sure you'll get it figured out and get into a routine.


Ok peeps lets CHAT! You tell me what you REALLY think and I PROMISE to keep it open minded here.