
Saturday, March 31, 2012

TAG! You're IT! Another About Me post

So I've been tagged- again.
Third time this month.
I like answering questions about myself!
... which makes me very self centered, I know.
I don't like tagging others.
I hate imposing on people.
I know very few peeps who like to talk about themselves as much as I do.
So I will answer Gen's (from the AWESOME blog- Color Me Domestic- go follow!!!) questions
But I won't tag any one.
Gen's ok with this though- she sent me a nice email letting me know that.
Thanks Gen!!!

If you wonder who I admire and stalk mercilessly check out my sidebar- those peeps get me every single time.
Also, it would be longer but I forget to update it so if you don't see yourself there it's because I'm a dumbass and forgot to add you.
I luvs my crafty readers!
Ya'lls ROCK.

Here goes:
1. What is a typical day like for you?
Woo boy- let's just say it involves watching "The Heffalump Movie" or "Finding Nemo" at least 2 times, there is some cleaning and cooking, some going to the park to tire out the hyper 2 year old, there MIGHT be some nap time blogging or crafting but many times that has to wait for 10pm to 1am- my usual lights out.

2. What has been the hardest part of starting/having a blog for you?
Learning how to manage my time effectively. I value writing very much and want to deliver insightful posts but the truth is my"think time" is severely limited. I'm also struggling with my need to communicate and the very real consequences of being so open about my faults. I want this blog to be a nice mix of funny personal stories, scrap projects and photography. I really do not wish to separate them into different compartments to make others comfortable. What I think shows in my face and in my work so it is useless to hide it in separate blogs.

3. What's the last movie you saw in the theater?
The Hunger Games- first time we've had a "Date Night"in 4 months and it was SO WORTH IT! I also took time to watch "Girl With a Dragon Tattoo" on DVD- I really wish I had seen in in the theater- it was so beautiful! 

4. How do you drink your coffee?
Don't drink coffee- it makes me sick. I drink black tea straight up no chaser.

5. How is the weather today where you live, and where DO you live (if you don't mind saying)?
I'm in Brooklyn NY- the weather was windy and cool today- it's raining right now-it's 1:23 am.

6. What is your favorite punctuation, the one you abuse too much but can't stop? 
I LOVE ampersands!!!!!!! Ha! Obviously my true love is the Exclamation point.

7. Which is your favorite holiday and why?
Thanksgiving- because it's all about family- no distractions in the forms of candy, fireworks, costumes, presents or cards. Just me, my Mom, the Lolster, the Mother in law, the Hubster, the annoying uncle, hopefully the brother I haven't seen in weeks and a GINORMOUS turkey. FUN TIMES!!!!

8. Which is your favorite type of flower?
I love plants. I am a member of the New York Botanical Society and where ever I travel I make triple sure to schedule local garden time. And I love trees. And ferns. If I had to put them in order it would go like this:
Flowers but especially roses and Orchids (plants both my grandmothers had in their yards.)

9. What is the trait which you admire the most in other people?
I admire honesty above all else- above tact, above friendship, above social rules- above everything. Truth first.

10. If you could change 1 thing about yourself, what would it be and why?
I would make myself "sweeter". I am... a pill. I try to be nice but the strident comes out eventually. I don't MEAN to be all up in your face but the combination of New York directness and natural personality make me a little.... taxing for some. So I want to be  honest but more able to communicate without making others cringe so much.

11. Why do you blog?
Stories- I like them- more than I like trees. Which is a LOT!

MuChOs SmOoChEs!


  1. Such a fun read!!!!

  2. I LOVE these posts. You tell a story and don't just give one word answers. I love that you are so "in your face" don't change! I think your personality goes so well with British sarcasm, we (and by that I mean me) are often accused of offending people or being cold when it's just my sarcastic humour (that I personally find hilarious) coming out. Match that with the need for honesty (SO get you) and it makes for not many friends ;)

    I too love talking about myself way to much even though there isn't much interesting to say... so keep these posts coming.

    Also it's YOUR blog. If people don't like it they can sodski offski.

    1. Sodski Offski- that sounds like a freaking scrapbook page title to me!! LOVE!

  3. Oops, I didn't realized you had so many other tags or whatever already :S Thanks so much for participating all the same!! I just saw the Hunger Games too! It's what inspired the question... Have a great weekend :)

    1. Not at all Gen! I LOVE these tag posts!! I did get a few this month so I didn't forward out of fear my blog friends would disown me since I sent two sets of questions last week. Thanks for linking me on your much wider read blog. :)

  4. Love your blog, Michelle, and love any Q&A that lets me know more about you! I'm impressed that you get crafty between 10pm and 1am! I need to reevaluate my schedule!

    1. Not on purpose- pushed there by my crazed semi-suicidal toddler who refuses to let me work during the day. And weekends are full of errands- like right now I'm writing this instead of SCRAPPING. :)

  5. Uh-oh! You tagged me earlier and I haven't written mine yet...oops and sorry! Your tags are so fun and interesting to read. I like best that I can actually "hear" you speaking as I read your stuff :) Gad woman, I wish I had the ability to have even an ounce of creativity between life has been so chaotic lately and I miss being creative but by 10ish when I find free time I'm wiped out.

  6. LOVE that you haven't compartmentalized your creativity into separate blogs!!! I struggled with this myself, but decided against. I am me. I like what I like. True story.


Ok peeps lets CHAT! You tell me what you REALLY think and I PROMISE to keep it open minded here.