
Monday, March 12, 2012

SPRING with Cosmo Cricket!

63 degrees today, 67 tomorrow?
Too awesome!!!
I'm so excited I could BURST!

I had a very busy scrap week.

I made this for an upcoming True Xoxo Girls challenge but it doesn't fit the challenge parameters so back to the drawing board it is.
The March challenge is finding inspiration on Pineterest. (click through to see for yourself)
Swing by and submit your page.
The winner gets a GDT spot on the team.

This page started as a design experiment with shapes. It was supposed to be really graphic but the further I got into it the more I realized it wouldn't attract an the audience that way so I added the pearls and Cosmo Cricket swirls- now I think it's too much of everything.
What do you think?

Materials: Cosmo Cricket Earth Love swirls, black board butterflies and Heart in the Dark alphas, Crafter's Workshop basket weave template, Tattered Angels Glimmer Glam in Mermaid, ZVA pearls and rhinestones swirls, K and Comapny Smash tape, Ek Success parenthesis stamps
Detail shots:

I have a guest spot coming up over at Do More With Less, Yvonne Yam's fantastic personal blog. I love Yvonne's highly innovative style and her ability to use messy techniques on perfectly crisp and clean modern pages- she's an inspiration.
I will be talking about the Neon trend and showing off a card and page project- feel free to swing by March 20th.

Sneaky peek!!! Do More With Less- March 20th
My page is still messy- I'm working up to a more clean style.
I am also trying to make my blog more relevant to my readers.
What do you like to read about?
What are your blogging pet peeves?
What would you like to see more?
I've been at it for over a year and feel like I've hit a rut. Fell free to give me your 2 cents and I will try to implement everything as best I can.

Sure! Get comfy why don'tcha?
MuChOs SmOoChEs!


  1. LOVE that layout!!!!!! I also love that you are asking these questions of your readers! I also desire to post relevant info...which I have to say you already do! But, I will answer your questions b/c it's one of my peeves when I ask my readers a question and they don't answer it - lol!

    What do you like to read about?
    -I like to read about scrapbooking - not so much the finished project, but the thoughts behind how the scrapper got there.
    What are your blogging pet peeves?
    -Long train of thought writhing that is lumped into a massive paragraph. I like random thoughts in short bursts.
    -Photos that are too small
    -Google word verification. Hate it. I always have to try a couple times before it accepts me.
    What would you like to see more?
    -Well, you do a great job! So....more of you!

    1. Yes random thoughts aplenty here but I hear you on the long windedness! And I HAAAATE the new Google word verification. They have plastered every single subway adverts area with posters trying to convince NYCers that this new word verification is a good thing. Uhm no it AIN'T!!!
      PS thank you for Tweeting this blog link on Twitter! Let's see if I get some more loyal readers! People go to her blog (pointing up) blog- it's AWESOME!!! :)

  2. This page is fantabulous!!!!!! I love the movement of the design, and the colors just grabbed me. The darling photo is pretty freaking amazing, too. ;)
    I love your blog, it's wonderful. I understand the rut thing, tho. I love blogs with lots of photos, new techniques always keep me coming back, and of course, curiosity about new and innovative projects. I *personally* like opinions and openness, too. :) Okay.....I'll stop (you shouldn't have asked, hehe).

    1. OH OH!!!! New techniques?? Guys I'm a one trick pony- I slap paper onto paper and glue it. :) But I hear you- more techniques coming right up!!!

  3. I think it's perfect just the way it is.

    Your little one is so funny but extremely cute at the same time.

  4. There is just something SO attractive about this LO! Is it the stamping? The bold graphics? The fonts? I dunno but I like it!! Ooh congrats on the guest spot..I totally follow her blog too..can't wait to hear to tell your tale about neon!

    1. Thanks Miae- we are a mutual admiration society here. :)

  5. You messaged me on Facebook!!! How sweet of you to track me down :-)
    I actually DO have a blog (mostly a personal blog), but I've locked it temporarily while school is crazy and I'm dealing with a bit of... well, I'll call it family drama. Anyways... I love this page. I keep looking at the mist splatter with pearls mixed in, and it is just so perfect. The funky color scheme makes me happy!

    soapHouseMama makes some good points... i'd like to add that i am SOOOOO glad you don't have any music embedded on your page. while i get the feeling i wouldn't find your music choices objectionable (after all, I love U2, too), there is almost nothing worse than being blasted out by music when I click out of Google reader to comment on someone's blog. :-)

    1. Diana you hit all my happy buttons- I had to find you! :) Plus how GREAT is it that your FB profile is you Blogger profile! I want to do the same but I'm scared people will be offended by MY family drama which ALWAYS plays out on FB- hmm something TO PONDER!!!! PS lemme know if you guys get these responses! I wanna talk!!!!

    2. it kind of defeats the purpose that my FB profile is restricted, but I suppose if people just want to mess with me, they won't bother sending me a nice message, and if they DO bother sending me a nice message, we could probably be friends. I use FB for almost all communications since I hate talking on telephones and email is mostly boring school notices and sale notifications from all those places i like to shop. ha!

    3. Another thing that makes me tired just thinking about it- separating my "scrap" buddies from my family- eventually when I return to work I may have to have a separate page just for work since companies are SO IN LOVE with firing people who get real on FB. Till then it's just too hard- so I edit my political blather- which has helped me get along with the famz better- who knew? :)
      I like talking on the phone-the kid gets all jealous and screams the entire time I'm on so it's off limits till she's 4 or so. grumbling.

    4. I also edit my political blather, most of the time, for the sake of the family I care about. I posted something one time and ended up offending 3 cousins and an aunt... really though, their response to what I posted offended ME and I told them to F off. lol
      You're right about companies though... I saw a job posting on Craigslist yesterday that was for a Background Investigation Coordinator... part of the job description was "conduct internal investigations that include database research, social networking monitoring, public records review, medical canvasses and more." CRAZY!

    5. OMG Diana! You're giving me goose bumps!!!! I will stand by whatever I say on Facebook- I don't lie and if people wanna hate then go ahead. On "The View" today (OMG did I just reference "The view"??) said if an employer wants to see your Facebook profile then they should be ready to show you theirs to make sure they aren't addicted to gambling or something and can't pay your wages- I couldn't agree more. Companies get away with that stuff because no one has legislated people's digi rights but it's coming. I don't want my employer trying to profile me based on the silly things I say on the interwebs- my face to face life is much more measured, thoughful and polite- as it should be!

  6. Okay, the toddler shot is so cute and funny!

    I've been out of the blogging loop for months now; trying to reacquaint with all the subscriptions I have. Your blog design is really cute; I'm digging it.

    I appreciate your Pinterest badge; and that you don't have a metric ton of badges and links all over the place. Don't misunderstand, I have them on my blog and see their value, but sometimes, they just feel overwhelming.

    The only pet peeve I seem to have are the music players that are set to play as soon as you open the blog. If I were only opening one blog at a time, it might be different, but all those different players are running in twenty (or more) different tabs and driving me nuts. Worse, if DH switches sides on the computer, all that music still plays for him, so he has to switch back, hunt through allllll those blog tabs and pause allllll those players.

    1. I wish I could reply to 2 comments at once!!! I used to have a music player here but I killed it after a fellow DT member "rudely" commented she hated them because they would BLAST out at her at night. I was offended for about 3 seconds and realized- DUDE!!! She's SO RIGHT! I mean you would LOVE to hear a Glee cover of the Beatles' "HELLO!" each and every time you came here right? Especially at midnight, right?
      I KNEW IT! SO glad I took it off!!!
      I have "ISSUES" with Pinterest but I've decided to call a truce till any lawsuits result in decisions- it's just such a fun website and so useful for publicity- I have to participate.

  7. Love it girl.. ! I love all your funky creations.. OO I c you picked me to answer some questions..heheh.. will do!! tfs your work!!

  8. Oh, Michelle! I think it looks amazing. I love the dandelion-swirls with the mist and butterflies as a back-drop, I love the letters you used and I love the photo. Simply gorgeous!

    I like your blog as it is now. I think you combine a good mix of scrapping and your "real" life. I wouldn't mind more of the latter, though.

    1. MORE real life?? MORE?
      R U serious?
      Please don't encourage my bad habit?! The hubs was hopping mad the last time I blathered. :)
      But you know, secretly, I am blogging real. I mean I CAN'T HELP IT!!!!! I'm an exhibitionist!
      Well not really- I just like talking- and all I know is what I do and think. So there it is.
      Will do!!!! (just don't tell the Hubs!)

    2. Of course, don't write anything that he's not comfortable with, but I feel like I know you, at least a little bit, by reading your blog ;)

      I don't get an e-mail when you reply to my comments here, sadly :( And i bet you don't either if I reply on my blog?

    3. Dang it! No. That's my main problem with Blogger! Also no photo gallery option. And I REALLY wish they had a woodgrain backdrop function because I LOOOVE it. I really need to learn HTML and web design!!
      As for the Hubs- he'll get used to my web based over sharing- I think he married me because of (not despite!) my insanity- he thinks it's "exciting".

  9. I love the graphic look with the paper with the mix of swirls. But I am a personal scrapper, I do my thing.

    Ok great suggestions. I can get windy on my blog because friends and family keep up that way. I will use some of theses suggestions myself. I already took off the verification. I could use a lot of help obviously.

    You said you are used to staying up late and getting up with Lola. Well, I wish I could function the next day. Emma is way too demanding.

    1. Patricia I LOVE the way you blog! No over sharing at all. I think by "long winded" Soupy (that's my new name for you girl!) means when people go on and on all monotonous like. I read this one blog where the writer "Amy" goes on and on- she's so freaking hilarious I always read to the end. In fact- I'm about to add her to my blog roll- she's on Wordpress- She's awesome (sauce).

  10. I just had to come back to see the other comments too :) I totally agree about the music too! I have stopped following blogs because of that before...mostly b/c I read blogs while my kids are doing schoolwork or while I am nursing the baby to sleep, so a sudden blast of music can really interrupt things - lol!

    So fun to see what everyone is saying!

  11. First of all, that layout is totally a feast for the eyes! I love the way you scrap and could never do what you do...

    As for the blog, I can rarely read through peoples entire posts because I just can't keep focussed! However, yours is always so entertaining, and I love the way you write. I have no idea what you could do any better. I love the fact that you engage us into your thought process, and you are so easy to relate to. Sometimes I read a post and I think ahhh...I'm not the only one!

  12. Michelle, I love reading your blog. I like reading about your daily life, your family, your creative process; and the pix of the adorable Miss Lola always make me smile! You have a very entertaining writing style that keeps me interested, and a quirky way of looking at things, both in your words and your art, that I enjoy. My scrapping style is quite different from yours -- not nearly as free or artistic -- but I love looking at it and admire your creativity. Keep being you! Please!

    Look at all the interesting comments you got!

  13. That page is awesome!!!! Aaaaand you already know what I think about you, your work, your writing. Aaaaand you also know all about my scrappy style!

  14. Okay so I was here earlier and didn't leave a comment. Then I started thinking about your questions and how many times I've asked my blog readers questions with nothing in return and here I am again. I've decided my blogging pet peeve is not getting answers to questions and I've not a clue how to make my place more interesting and comment worthy? Is that the right wordage. So now that I've unleashed the chatty beast in myself - thanks to you for shiggity - I'll answer your questions.

    First I love the LO. I think its just the right amount of everything and I'm totally digging purple these days. I also really adore how you used up stuff from your stash. I've been working away at this myself.

    What do you like to read about?
    I love little snibbles of info on all sorts of stuff. I personally think you do this quite well already and I really enjoy how you share your creative process along with family/life/misc. stuff.

    What are your blogging pet peeves?
    As above mentioned asking questions and seeing the tumbleweeds blow through when no one responds. The whole music playlist thing drives me nuts as well.

    What would you like to see more?
    You doing what you do here already. Its refreshing and fun to come here.

    1. Thank you Scarlett- just went to your blog- beautiful work!!! I couldn't agree more about your hating the talking into the void point. I'm soglad people have taken the time to respond here!!! Hugs all around!!!


Ok peeps lets CHAT! You tell me what you REALLY think and I PROMISE to keep it open minded here.