
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The call of the WILD- Neon Color Challenge

Ok scrappy friends yesterday's post (you can scroll down a post if you are curious) got all emo and serious so today I dedicate to FUN.
Side note- Girl with a Dragon Tattoo? Too awesome for words. See it.
Isn't it sad the bathroom people aren't shining? AWWWW!
Amigas- I need your help!
My Neon color challenge doesn't have any entrants yet and there's 9 days left to link.
The last day will be April 6th.
Can you- will you- join the fun?

Here is another inspiration piece:
Ok so THIS was REAL fun!
First I tried using black gesso on a Crafter's Workshop template but OH NOOO it bled right through the borders so I had to use white gesso to stamp the borders of the template back on.
I made the pin wheels myself and If you remember the 80'd were not complete without stripes and polka dots so the blank side of the paper got special attention.
I used a Bam POP! paper pad I've had a VERY LONG TIME. I bought it on a whim and got scared of the totally 80's neon print. I also used Hambly mini trannies that I LOOOVE and will be getting more of as well as my go to item- Gauche Alchemy punchinella in black.
Last minute yellow twine.. there's probably too much happening here but hey- take this as your moment to teach ME a lesson on restraint! I don't mind!!!
I turn to you my FIERCE and loyal readers! (Yes all 3 of you!!!)

Go on out to Target and get some neon index cards or  some price stickers or maybe a child's paint set and GET TO WORK.
Link up here pretty pretty please with a nice cherry on top. :) 
Perhaps you want to stick around and to take a look around Yvonne's blog?
Her work is amazing!

Detail shots:
I haven't used the word "rad" since last week so I made sure to add it to my page to
make super duper SURE ya'll got the HINT. If you aren't slam dancing to Billy Idol
right this very second you are making this short Puerto Rican girl cry.
Pinwheel! Makes me happy!
So there you have it- a shameless self promoting plea and a call to action.

The Hipstamatic can easily provide neon photos to match neon layouts.
I use an iTouch- it's cheaper and doesn't require a data plan.
Plus you could score a great one online used- who wants an iTouch
when the new iPhones have better cameras? (ME!!!)
Muchitas gracias!


  1. Dont know if I will have the time, but I will try to fit it in, your challange looks like fun!! Love the layout you made, love the usage of chevrons and pinwheels!

  2. I may just have to give this a go - It looks totally fun and your inspiration piece is awesome!!!!!

  3. Well, from acid green and black stilettos to neon colored layouts and very good layout at that...ha! In my day we called them psychedelic I'm telling my age:) Was totally drawn to them then, not so much now but hey I think I can pull up one or two out of my stash and try something. No promises of stellar work though.
    Now neon colors...where did I put she goes muttering to herself.

    1. Psychedelic is AWESOME!!!!!!! Martha Stewart has this day glow glitter I almost bought- I just couldn't imagine using that much glitter. :)

  4. Just when I got rid of all my neon papers, I read about your challenge! I never thought about going to Target and getting office supplies. Duh! lol! Love your layouts. Off to check out that link! :-)

  5. Yay! I thought I only had 3 days so I was afraid I wasn't going to be able to play along! I'm trying to get ahead on a couple of things before I do anything "just for fun" I think I can definitely enter it by the 6th. As for the layout...I don't think its too much! I love it as usual!

  6. OMGosh! What a great page - nice recovery btw of the black gesso! It works here!! LOL!!


Ok peeps lets CHAT! You tell me what you REALLY think and I PROMISE to keep it open minded here.