
Saturday, February 25, 2012

So I'm 38 years old. A Project 365 Post

This will not be a post where I whine on and on about being "old".
I love being 38 fabulous years old.
I'm happier and more self secure now than at 28.
28 was me running around trying to figure out how to jump start my career and how to afford the latest hand bag or shoes a la Carrie in Sex and the City.
38 year old me is like WOW! CHILL, YO! 
I'm a MOM! 
It STILL trips me out!
Because I get to share moments like this.
Mural by Joshua Abram  Howard
I love the lines I see developing on my smile. 
I've always had the frown lines- frowny face is my default setting.
When I was younger, guys on the subway would say (yell from a distance):
"Smile girl! You're beautiful!"
Actually, the guy who yelled that got a smile. 
The ones who said more obnoxious things got THE LOOK.
It's a cringe worthy look. 
I tried it on myself once... DAAAAUUUUUUMMM!!!
So yeah the smile lines are a good thing- the rabid bull dog look was getting tired.
This week has been busy so I haven't been able to scrap much of anything.
I did experiment with this:
Project Life page!
Materials:  Sassafras Lass Sunshine Broadcast paper (fave ever!),  Fiskars Jenny Bowlin
flying bird punch, Ormolu spot, Studio Calico wood veneer asterisk, Smash polka dot
tape, American Crafts Sunrise alphas (fave font ever!) Hambly chicken wire tranny.
So I saw a photo of the India Street Mural Project online and I simply HAD TO SHOOT IT!
I first thought this would be easy. It was but ONLY
if you pick paper with no border. Cutting this
12 by 12 into 7 by 9 and making the pattern MATCH
was hard. But the final results were great.
India street is about 20 blocks from where I live.
How. Had. I. Missed. It?
The murals went up in 2009.
Dave and The Lolster admire Chris Soria's mural.
I was 5 months pregnant and battling doctors who were telling me I should consider "termination" because my baby would most likely be severely disabled.
I gave 'em THE LOOK. I wore it for the next 2 months.
I just felt it was gonna be ok. I FELT it. 
And she was. And she IS.
First time I let you slide down by yourself. 2/22/12
So there it is. Why I'm so happy. Why every day is a gift. 
Why I'm so freakishly expressive (blabber mouth!).
Try not to totally hate my blubbering. 
I do hold back SOME of it. :)
MuChoS SmOoChEs!


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Thank GOD that you were right and those doctors were wrong! Another awesome project!

  2. Happy 38 Michelle!! Love the way you split the photos across the pockets!! Have a great weekend dear!

  3. Happy, Happy birthday Michelle :D

    Love this post!

  4. Happy birthday! That layout is amazing - and you know how it. Wishing you all the best for your day :)

  5. Happy Birthday!< and I love all those graphic photos and the layout! I'm a new follower, and I'd be honored if you followed me as well. Love

  6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! What an amazing story about your daughter - Praise the Lord you went with your gut! She is perfect in every way!!!! I love what you did with that page - it looks awesome!

    PS: there is a little mention of you on my blog - be sure to check it out :)

  7. Happy Saturday and Happy Birthday Brooklyn.. I used to live in Brooklyn, Flatbush and raised in Crown Height..... loveyour blog just like being home... have a great day...

  8. As always, a perfect post, Michelle! Have a wonderful day and wishes for the best of everything in the coming year! Your smile lines are adorable. ;)

  9. Happy, happy birthday!!! Love your post. And I'm glad you can appreciate the good things about being a little older and not carry on about trivia like a wrinkle or two. I've loved every stage of my life and it looks like you are enjoying life too. Best of everything in the coming year!

  10. Fabulous project! Happy Birthday! Mother's intuition is where it's at! Enjoy every line and wrinkle. We earn those babies! LOL!

  11. Happy Birthday! That's right, embrace it and life just gets better. And proof that we know what's best, amazing about your daughter. Love what you did with PL!

  12. Happy Birthday to you! I am totally loving your story that you added to this and I totally am enjoying what you did with your PL divided page. Rock on that sassy look girl! :)

  13. Happy Birthday, Michelle! I hope you have a FABULOUS day! Love how you did this PL page...looks very cool!

  14. Happy BIrthday! I am twenty years older than you and still share your sentiments. Life just gets better every day!

  15. great post! awesome photos! and Happy Birthday!

  16. Happy Birthday to you!!! Hope you're having a fabulous day and thank God you followed your GUT instinct! Love your divided page work by the way.........!

  17. keep smiling. there's a lot out there to smile for. :) HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

  18. Happy birthday Michelle! I'm glad you went with your gut...your girl's adorable! :)

    I'm sure there are lots more to discover in NYC. I hope to live there for a bit someday...then we can check out places together!;)

  19. Happy Birthday gorgeous ! Love seeing you translate the mural in the photo onto your LO design. genius

  20. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! and good for you!! I'm 26 and feel like my life is barely starting... I still have sooo much to do. So while I feel pressured to get more of the "milestones" behind me, I know that I have plenty of time. SO props to you for being so happy @ 38 ;)

  21. Love how you did this- looks great! And Happy Birthday :)

  22. Happy Birthday! I love that divided page!

  23. AWESOME on all accounts! Here's to being 38! From Evelyn, Sandy, Alex & Lizeli (not so annonymous..LOL)

  24. Ah bless ya that was a really sweet post! Hope you had a great day and continue to put smiles on many people's faces for years to come. ps WOW the murals! x

  25. Happy Birthday Michelle! What a wonderful post about enjoying your age and who you are. :) Reading it puts a smile on my face! And you do have a beautiful smile...with a darling daughter like that, you must be smiling constantly!

    Fabulous divided page...looks coolio dude!

  26. wow great page...I never knew about those murals. You leave New York City for a little while and everything changes. I like getting to see these little glimpses through your blog. :)

  27. Love <3 Love. Great, amazing outlook. And those murals are just beautiful! Happy Belated Birthday, Michelle =)


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