
Monday, February 20, 2012

Project 365 on the BRAIN

I got a little behind on my Project Life/365 these last few weeks.
I haven't been taking notes but I started using the My365 app to try to keep track of images.
I found that the more I tried to fit the standards of PL the more I started to feel pressure to record every last detail in exact order which took some of the fun away from the process.
I started to ask people to pause while I took photos which caused a certain amount of vexation in my family. As my husband said several times this week- it would be nice to eat dinner without me stopping everyone so I could shoot the plate.
I love how not a single one of those shots ended up printed- it was boring me to tears.

Then I read the latest 52 creative lifts newsletter by Ali Edwards where she says it's more about being present in the moment than getting a smashing photo every time. Suddenly the whole thing felt a lot easier and less monumental.

Without much ado here are this week's efforts:
Week 6 where I acknowledge publicly that I have a buying addiction, not a scrapping one.
Thanks ton fine artist Barbara Krueger for that awesome inspiring art piece cut out from
New York Magazine. I found that awesome "We Can Do It" poster online and
 printed it to give myself a boost whenever I start to feel down. Love the color mix in this group.
The mustard paper is from Crate, the numbers print is an old  Studio Calico exclusive from 2009.
Week 7- I altered the top 6 by 12 pocket this week with my sewing machine. The final page is rather 
wonky since the edges didn't match perfectly but when the cards are added everything does flat 
again so I didn't give it another thought. I used the new Studio Calico kit
I got for my birthday including my favorite stamp EVER- the "awesome"insta-frame. The first 
segment tells the story of Lola's first I'M BUSY when I interrupted playtime to give her a bath.
 I'm constantly saying that (mostly when my husband interrupts my blogging) and now she's saying it as well.
Some detail shots:
The Lolster- she's too funny!
Real honest to goodness art at the 14th Street Station
This stamp set is AWESOME! This
is a photo of my long lost Instax
prints I found in a random box
after months of looking.
Week 7- Went on a long bike ride with the hubster while baby was with Grandma.
Here I'm using a page protector meant for Baseball cards which cost 2 dollars for a pack
of 10 at the Container Store. I was thinking of adding 2- 4 by 6 pockets on the side with my
sewing machine but quickly I realized I don't posses the tailoring skills needed. 
Detail shots:
Found that bicycle clip at Container Store as well- it
followed me home. The backing for most of these is
a NYC bike map from 2011- too old to use now.
If you want to shoot ipod shots with gloves on
you gotta sacrifice that glove tip. I opened the
seam and pulled the glove back over my finger
tip when done.
I also had entirely too much fun posting images on saturday- here is my favorite:
I ALWAYS wear a helmet- even though
I look like a Class A TOOL with it on.
MuChOs SmOoChEs!



  1. so much to say....I love the colors, you are right, they are so happy and fun together. And a little unexpected.
    I used to live at that subway station. I mean, not physically on the platform, just nearby in an apartment. I loved those statues so much and wonder how much my son would love playing on them now. It is the perfect thing to include in PL! So jealous now. New York is perfect for PL, one has special moments like that all over the place. Documenting the highway traffic is a little less exciting in Houston..

  2. Great shots! I loved the pages with the bikes on them, my son used to race BMX bikes, so I'm always going to be a sucker for bike anything! Love Penny

  3. I love seeing your project 365 pictures, you cram so much colour and texture in there and you see so many interesting things :D

    Love your adapted glove :D

  4. I love the insta-glove! And good call for embossing the stamp in white - I'm not a big embosser, but this inspired me! :D

  5. I love your little mini works of art in page protectors. There's something freeing about working in a small space -- I guess it's just that it requires you to break down a design to it's most important elements. These are great!

  6. You have convinced me that I need to do this project next year. Great Job!

  7. oh, I LOVE me some Krueger! And, that glove finger tip is hilarious - you could prob market that! I love how you are making PL your own - very inspiring :)

  8. It's amazing how many different ways you come up with to design your pages! Each looks so cool and different! I'm glad to hear documenting has become fun again..wouldn't make sense if it weren't would it? Good on ya for continuing this!

  9. Love all the variety on all of your pages. I am already behind on mine lol...nothing new. You have inspired me to ge tto work!

  10. I'm not letting being behind stop me. I keep notes and pictures ready to go and when I get a chance, I work on it. I just finished 3 weeks in the last week which brings me up to date.
    Love the way yours is looking.

  11. your so good my friend!!! wow such creations. just adore your art!!!!! tfs

  12. Ooooooh, what a great project idea! I love how you have a whole week together in one colourful kaleidascope of colour and memory and commentary. I started out with collage before foraying into the wacky world of scrapbooking - you've inspired me to combine the two! So cool. This is my first visit to your blog. Found you via our discussion of "Why Blog?" on Thanks! Cheers, Tessa

  13. good to hear you've shaken the pressure feeling. it's not fun anymore when it gets like that. loving your flow at the moment - keep it coming!

  14. Hi Michelle, I love your PL so much inspiration :) - the last picture is so cool. I wish I had that app on android. Anyways, I never got to answer you back but yes, I'm from Staten Island and I work downtown - so yeah - fellow NY'r :) ttys :) Marlene

  15. I'm totally loving these! Your designs always rock and I thoroughly enjoy seeing all of your pics!


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