
Friday, January 6, 2012

Playing the numbers with Paper Issues and Punky Scraps

Happy Three King's Day! I missed the parade in Spanish Harlem again- 9 years and every year I miss it- no fun photos- I could CRY!

It's come to this- combining challenges from different design teams to try to get my craft engine re-started. I don't generally like to do so since each team I'm in deserves to shine exclusively but I thought I should start slow as one page is better than no page at all.

Over at Paper Issues the current link party has a numbers theme- click here to swing by and add your project.You have until January 13th. So far I see some great cards, 2011 mini books, 2012 calendars and birthday themed scrap pages- how about adding yours?

In this page I tried to capture the whirlwind day we had on New Year's Eve which  included 2 house visits, lunch at a fancy Italian restaurant, dancing with Daddy AND Lola's first "classic" tantrum with all the fist pounding, leg kicking trimmings. (David and I were so amazed we forgot to whip out the camera). We went to bed at 11pm and don't regret it one bit!!!!:
Celebrate 2011
Materials: Gauche Alchemy Scarlet Red Mixed Media Color kit and silver punchinella, Bazzil kraft paper, Ormolu fabric tab, Glitz woodgrain alphas, American Crafts Amy T alphas, American Crafts silver foil paper in gold, corrugated gold and red, Smooch spritz in Tin Foil
And over at Punky Scraps the challenge is all about Vintage Americana:

When I first saw this I immediately thought of circles, the color red, and a grid based photo montage. Since I'm currently reorganizing my entire apartment to regain some SANITY in my life, I didn't want to get overly ambitious and start looking for the vintage images I KNOW I have somewhere.
Not much you can do to "reorganize" an already over stuffed a 400 square foot space.
Dave put these two shelves up and revolutionized my work area- YAY!
Just don't look UNDER the desk. No seriously- don't.
I'm also getting organized for a go at the Project Life theme. I'm already shooting one photo a day for Project 365 so I thought it might be easy for me to make 1 page a week using all those photos. It's a wildly ambitious project but I think as long as I make the pages ATC size and keep away from the super expensive binders or project kits (considering my 2012 budgetary goal) I'll be alright.

Here are my Project 365 photos so far- nothing earth shattering as the weather is UGLY so we've been hiding inside all week.
1/2/12- Eating Bubbles, 1/3/12- learning the alphabet, 1/4/12- home made Pupusas for diner,
1/5/12 Winter Berries and the Empire State Building
MuChOs SmOoChEs!


  1. I love your layout!! The "time Stamp" is genius! Love.

  2. cool! Cassie is right, the 'time stamp' idea is great. i can see a lot of GA products too creeping into those layers - post idea to match with my video on scrapping with GA products: this LO is perfect!

  3. wow! that layout is absolutely fabulous!!!

  4. Awesome layout Michelle! Happy New Year to you! I can tell you guys had a great time by the fun photos! Much health, prosperity and love for you and your beautiful family!

  5. First of all thanks for your lovely words in my blog!!!!Was very sweet!!
    I just love to came here and see what do you have done......and you always surpreise me doing such a wonderful work!!!
    I love that pages and all those photos look great.I wish one day came to NY and meet you!!It will be great and for sure both are will talking a lot!!!!!
    I´m so luck to have you as a friend you always said ( write) samething very special for me!!!
    Have a wonderful 2012 to you and your family!!
    Big huges and kisses with love

  6. Wonderful layout! I love the mix of embellishments, textures and colors, so festive! Fabulous photos too, you definitely have an eye for capturing beautiful pics!

  7. Full of fantastic texture and fun! LOve how you highlighted different time periods throughout the day!


Ok peeps lets CHAT! You tell me what you REALLY think and I PROMISE to keep it open minded here.