
Thursday, December 1, 2011

ACK! It's DECEMBER! A True Xoxo page

It's that wonderful time of the year! CHRISTMAS!!! The radio plays annoyingly cheerful muzak all day. The streets and subways are packed. The stores full of clueless temps who would rather you fall headfirst down the nearest escalator than help you. Your mailman is away on vacation so your packages get "lost".
Oh how I LOVE Christmas in the city!

Here is the December prompt for True Xoxo Girls:
It's me and I am.
Materials: Me and My Big Ideas paper, Ormolu tags, spots and pin, Sassafras Lass journaling tag and piano border strip, October Afternoon Brown Bag and Buttermilk mists, Technique Tuesday stamp.
First of all I must apologize for being away. I am a woman sans mojo. No motivation, no ideas, no NEED to communicate. Everything I touch falls apart. See?
The mojo has taken an extended vacation. Just so you see- I'm trying. 
I've been watching movies and sulking all week. I saw the new Conan movie- whoa that actor is HOT! I also saw Benicio (my main MAN!) in "The Wolfman"  which was awesome. And I got to introduce Miss Lola to Batteries Not Included (she LOVED IT) and Annie (meh- for now). Somehow I haven't been able to put a single thing together so instead of freaking out I will write about it.

Things I did to bring on the mojo:

  • Read blogs- only made things worst as I now have idea overload
  • Shop for more scraps- suicidal- I know.
  • Read catalogs- refer to the above plus the awful feeling that I will always be too poor to have space for  a cushy sofa and a window with actual light- ironic! Maybe less SHOPPING???????

  • This- life risking exercise billed as an innocent hike. Trail name? 
  • Breakneck Ridge- shoulda KNOWN!

    • Talk to David about what a looser I am. Dave has zero pity party license. I was told to shut up and MAKE SOMETHING already.
    • Put up the Christmas tree. Lola tried her BEST to bring it back down again.
    • Cut up 4 x 6 papers for my inevitably disastrous "December Daily" project. My "theme" is Christmas in NYC- all the main attractions will get hit. Feel sorry for me- it's 1 a day with a 2 year old and 65,000 other humans for 31 days. I will start today with a photo of Rockerfeller Center- I feel the crush of the crazed crowds already.

    Here's a quick close up up of the page:
    I ordered some Ormolu items as a lark and now they are my favorite brand
    (after Sassy- I'm a sucker for unrequited love)
    The December True Xoxo challenge is based on this quote which I DEEPLY disagree with.

    Women do entirely too much apologizing for keeping it real. As a result, we tend to resort to behind the back talking which I despise. I will tell you up front what annoys me about you- repeatedly. I will often disagree with you- in public- loudly. But it doesn't mean I disrespect or intend to hurt you- people need and deserve space to be themselves. I also feel truth is more important than politeness. To quote Jerry Maguire- "YOU think we are arguing. I think we are FINALLY communicating!"
    GRATUITOUS cute baby shot!!!
    11/25/11 Grateful for  a Friday full of family and laughter- not commerce and stress.

    Not for nothing but opposable thumbs are one of the features that make us human. 
    MuChOs SmOoChEs!


    1. This post has got to be one of my favorites you've written so far. I feel you with the mojo thing. Been there with the 2 year old thing. AND AMEN for REFUSING to apologize for being ME! Michelle, you are bright, funny, witty, STUPID GOOD creatively, inspiring, strong, and I am proud and honored to count you among my friends. I know that if I ever needed a shoulder, an ear, a laugh, or a smack in the head, you would be there unconditionally. That kind of personality should be respected, honored, and cherished. {{hugs}} I can't wait for the day we get to meet IRL...and Natasha too! ;)

    2. Great layout Michelle! I admire you attempting to do a December daily...I don't know that I would ever get one done if I tried. December is total much going on, it seems to fly by. What an amazing place to capture the magic of christmas....NYC, I am totally jealous! :)

    3. I love your plan for your December album - it's going to be a lot of fun for someone who has never been to New York (like me!) to watch it come together.

      I saw the beautiful card you sent Cheryl on her blog - loved that too!

    4. I think you need some MUCHOS SMOOCHES :) I appreciate and enjoy your honesty...awesome post!

    5. You made a quote about my week? I am so...well...honored! After reading this post, I am inspired to make you my first priority and get that box packed! Enough of this, I will do it tomorrow! Gotta go pack! Your mojo is back BTW, this post is proof!

    6. That quote is awesome! :) And I hope you get your mojo back!! Sometimes it's nice to take a break, though...right? :) Love this page!

    7. I have no mojo either, and no time to try to get it back. I'm tired all the time and long for the holiday! I love that layout of yourself, though :)

    8. You are such an amazing and smart writer! You really know how to put your thoughts into words, while really letting your personality shine through! This is one of my fave posts yet...

      Doesn't look as if you were going through a lack of mojo at all! Both pages rocked as usual and your photo's look awesome!


    Ok peeps lets CHAT! You tell me what you REALLY think and I PROMISE to keep it open minded here.