
Monday, November 7, 2011

Thanks Monday!

WHAT? WHAAAT? 60 degrees in November? SO THANKFUL!!! Time to seize the day and get take some "Fall" shots in Central Park- if there's any actual leaves left!
November 4- Grateful for Autumn sunlight.
11/5/11- Grateful for Kangols and ears that stick out.
I got exactly NOTHING done over the weekend. Not having a dedicated scrap space to run into really puts an end to my creativity as I need complete concentration to let ideas flow. I was supposed to have 3 pages to show for upcoming sketch challenges but all I have is photos. It's taking all my will power not to "share" exactly how I feel about that.

For today I have to try to get a photo of "Something Funny". ;) I've been ignoring the prompts as of late...

MuChOs SmOoChEs!

1 comment:

  1. Great pics! I don't have a scrap space either and it is pain.


Ok peeps lets CHAT! You tell me what you REALLY think and I PROMISE to keep it open minded here.