
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A month for grace

I swung by the American Crafts blog and noticed they are having a week to celebrate gratefulness. I've been thinking of doing some kind of conceptual photo project on this for a while but it's harder to do without concentrating on it fully- it's November why not start today?
Nov. 1 2011 - A partner who is supportive in every way. (and a hottie!!)
Today I set a moment aside for grace.

  • I give thanks for the family I have not the one I wish I did.
  • I give thanks for being fat- it is a sign I am not starving and it is a state of health I can change.
  • I give thanks for being unemployed. This is hard because many Americans (including me) tend to equate success by how much money they earn or how many hours they log in at work. My two and a half year hiatus has taught me that happiness has nothing to do with financial matters and everything to do with TIME. 
  • I give thanks for having the luxury of time. Time with my husband, time with my baby and time to write this sometimes incredibly self indulgent blog. I wouldn't be able to get away with it anywhere else.
Nov. 2 2011 That smile.
I will stop there but for the rest of the month I will post photos that show this state of grace I am under and hopefully by Thanksgiving I shall have a cute mini book or page I can share. 

Apparently my "idea" is not remotely original (insert smile here). This is a prompts list I found on Pinterest.
I will be actively ignoring some of these but it's a great list.
MuChOs SmOoChEs!


  1. Michelle, I love, love, love the positive spin you've put on things that others might bemoan! I'm glad you appreciate the time you have to spend with your husband and Lola just now. I worked most of my life; but I was so fortunate to get to spend a couple years as a SAHM with each of my boys. Those years are priceless and so well worth the diminished income!

  2. Michelle this is my first time in here and I just love everithing in here!!! I love your post and your words are such a blessing!!This is so nice to have people like you so positive.
    I´m follower now.
    Have a wonderful week.
    Kisses and huges from Brazil

  3. Love this challenge--what a sweet post:)


Ok peeps lets CHAT! You tell me what you REALLY think and I PROMISE to keep it open minded here.