
Friday, September 30, 2011

Sunshine and kittens- NOT!

Just kidding. I love both. I just wanted to garner some attention for my feature over at Punky Scraps. I'm SO annoyed that I forgot to post about this yesterday when it went up- OOPS!
Swing by and check it out- also- consider joining the challenge- you have a day left but it's so fun I think you can swing it!

The title "Overwhelming Beauty" is referring to the sea in the Amalfi Coast but really- it's Lola I'm talking about.
Yeah I'm one of THOSE- Mommies who gush ENTIRELY too much.
Materials: American Crafts cardstock in "Hazel", Beauty chipboard Colorbok, Jenni Bowlin chipboard buttons,  American Crafts alphas
I wanted to keep adding but I liked the starkness of the page as it stood. Sometimes it's good to go minimal. Perhaps others do a better job of it than I.
The page is from a GREAT sketch by Punky Scraps sketch artist Camilla. Go ahead- try it!
Ok NOW can I tell you a funny Lola story?
Ok here goes.
I'm TRYING to toilet train the kid. TRYING is the key word because I am constantly distracted by Pinterest, Facebook and the usual house hold tasks.

Following family advice, Miss Thang went sans-Pamper the other day.
I'm thinking- She's two. She'll get the hint and NOT pee on the floor.
She did take the hint. She's a good lil mama.
Over the sound of washing dishes I hear a mighty shriek EEEEEWWWWW!!!, a clatter, a series of nasty bumps and the beginnings of a long LOOOONG cry.
A very angry, betrayed cry.

Miss Lola had sat on the stool I keep under my computer desk to prop up my feet.
She peed.

She did not feel the pee go "bye bye".
Rather it pooled around her making scream EEEEWWWWWW (she says that all the time now- EVERYTHING is "EW!" THANKS cousin Emily!)
She jumped up (clatter) slipped in her pee (nasty bumps- many) and the stool fell on top of her (betrayed crying).

No more potty training this week. Sorry lil' boo!
Yeah laugh it up Michelle- Lola is gonna GET YOU!
MuChOs SmOoChEs!


  1. I love the simplistic beauty of this page - it's so delicate. sometimes it feels good to minimalise, huh?

  2. I love your LO, visiting forms Sian's Story Telling Sunday. Your story made me laugh! thank you x

  3. Thanks for linking up your story today :) It gave me a smile and took me right back to a nasty incident in a coffee shop when we were training one of ours..

    I love the colours in you beautiful layout too

  4. Oh dear! Thanks for sharing your story - we've a been there!

  5. Love the colours in your layout and what a cute story.

  6. Funny story - I think any parent can relate!

  7. Oh bless her, potty training brings back memories good luck xxx

  8. Love your story! It sounds as though you have quite a relax attitude to potty training which is a good thing because it can get quite fraught!

  9. Love your potty training story!


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