
Sunday, September 4, 2011

I am a Gauche Grrrl!

Oh MY GOSH!!! That's ME!!!  Someone to say exactly the wrong thing at the right time? ME ME MEEEE! Blurting embarrassing medical details in the exact moment the crowded room goes quiet? OH I can do THAT!
Involuntary cries of "WHO? HIM/HER?" when your were telling me some juicy gossip near the target? Long boring stories that have everyone's eyes rolling? Angry rants about politics when things were supposed to be "light" at the family dinner table? Inappropriate Halloween costumes for work? All me. yay.

You can walk away shaking your head and muttering "FOOL!" but I have to live with me so I am SO HAPPY that I found Gauche Alchemy. I am now a writer for their blog and can use all my awkward quirks for entertainment purposes. My latest page for their newsletter (run along now and sign up!)

You are
Materials: Gauche Alchemy mixed puchinella kit, coffee filter, silver slide holder and stud brads from Gauche Alchemy Wedding Night White kit, Pink Paislee Office Lingo Cublicle paper,  Maya Road Calendar tranny and star pins, MMBI "You" and circles die cuts, Smash tape.
I got my kit the day before we were to leave Salt Lake City and managed to bang together this page in about 45 minutes. I was thrilled I got a spark of mojo but mostly it's the great funky stuff I find in their kits- swing by and check them out- they are DEFINITELY not the usual cup of cutesy paper tea (which is FANTASTIC!!!).

I'm so tired from my red eye flight with a fussy baby I will now fall asleep but I want to post something as I feel completely out of the loop. Our last minute unplanned visit to Salt Lake City was AMAZING! I never saw so many fantastic scrapbook stores together in one place! My favorite so far was Archivers over in Orem but I also scored MAJOR at Tuesday Morning with entire collection kits from Girl's Paperie going for 20 bucks! FABULOUS! I'm back now and plan to post like crazy so keep coming back! Thanks for your support!!!

Open Road!

MuChos SmOoChEs!


  1. Gauche alchemy is one of those stores I've been admiring from afar but never bought anything from. Congrats on this!

  2. Congrats on being "Gauche" LOL. That is gonna be my word for the day....normally I just go with rude, crude and socially unacceptable but this sounds soooo much better.....LOL. Love this layout too. Especially the little banner :)

  3. Michelle, You sound like my kind of person! Oh wait! YOU MUST be my kind of person! We're both Gauche. Tact? Inappropriate? Proper? PISH POSH! I am me. You are you. And together, we will be AWESOMERRRRR! {{hugs}}

    PS: I LOVE Utah!

  4. Congrats Michelle!! Love your layout some seriously gorgeous texture there!!
    PS. Glad you made it home okay!!

  5. Michelle, this layout is awesome, Love everything!!!

  6. Congratulations! I LOVE their site and I love this LO too! Awesome

  7. Congrats again, girl. I'm looking forward to seeing more Gaucheness from you! =)


  8. Congrats! ...the layout is amazing too!

  9. Welcome back, and love, love, love the LO! Cool stuff, and you know how to put it to use!

  10. Hi, Hola Michelle!
    Amazing Layout!


Ok peeps lets CHAT! You tell me what you REALLY think and I PROMISE to keep it open minded here.