
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Westward HOOOOO!

Dear cousin Evelyn (and hubby Sandy) have just offered to let us ride along in their 3 day road trip to Salt Lake City!! YAAY! This was SO last minute! Four days till THE BIG DAY when the moving company called to say they couldn't find a driver who was willing to go that far BUT for a mere 300 hundred dollars extra they would GUARANTEE one. Can you believe it?? The nerve!!!!

So they asked for their money back. The moving company said they would loose their deposit, Evelyn, a true Brooklynite, promised legal bloody murder. They got their money back. Since we are literally hitching a ride and staying with family this is going to be a very affordable adventure.  All we have to do is try to keep Lola from screaming us silly and and we should be ok.

Needless to say, the grandmothers are very VERY annoyed and think we are "crazy". This is our reasoning: We're bored. We don't have jobs for the first time since we were both 16. We have paid the rent. We have a camera and several new babies in SLC we both REALLY want to see. So I know it's irresponsible but heck with it- we are OFF. Plus Jet Blue had SLC to NYC flights for 150 bucks!!! You can't pass that up!!!

Totally unrelated but remember how I threatened a totally embarrassing layout? I would say "Poor kid" but I know she's gonna run me ragged so I have no regrets!

MATERIALS: Sassafras Lass Sunshine Broadcast paper and mustard alphas, My Little Shoebox mini alphas, Crate Paper Emma's Box stickers, Mister Huey in Schoolhouse Red and Sunshine, Pink Paislee Mistables ribbon, Crate Paper woodgrain paper.
I won't be able to blog while on the road- we don't have smart phones but maybe the motels will have wi-fi? Yeah, I didn't think so either. So if you have any business or want to second my Mom who wants to kill me or want to enable me with reasonable arguments for undertaking road trips with toddlers in tow please leave a comment below. Au Revoir!!!!

PS- don't forget to join the Punky Scraps challenge this saturday- it's gonna be AWESOME!!!!
The idea for today is: have the adventure NOW. Tomorrow may never come.

MuChOs SmOoChEs!


  1. Impromptu road trips rock, I support you fully (enable you?) LOL Have so much fun! Sometimes you just have to do stuff that you probably shouldn' only live once! The memories are worth it.

    Love that layout, the colors are so rich and I love the way you did the title.

  2. Have a GREAT trip! I think we all need a quick impromptu jaunt every now and again!

    Love that darling layout...I LOVE scrapping the "real" life bugger picking moments LOL!


Ok peeps lets CHAT! You tell me what you REALLY think and I PROMISE to keep it open minded here.