
Thursday, June 9, 2011

When the going gets tough

I've started to write and have deleted this entry 3 times already. My goal to be light and entertaining is failing miserably.  But, YOINKS! This weather! The playground equipment is actually dangerous. We are just as shut in as we were in the winter- that's so WHACK!

I just learned that I did not make the Elle's Studio DT. I am bummed out but when I go through the new line up it's easy to see they were looking for expert level designers already associated with other brands who produced consistently innovative work. I think I'm getting better but consistent is SO not a term I could add to my work- yet. Oh ok... I am consistently trying to get better. :)
Here is my last submitted project:
Fearless Explorer
Materials: Pink Paislee Daily Junque Maps, Sassafras Lass Sweetly Smitten stickers,  Studio Calico swallow stamp, K & Co Amy Butler Mod Alpha stamps (2 bucks at Marshall's!!!) and Elle's Studio journaling tags
For this page I wanted to document that Lola was actually scared of the tunnel at the playground. One day she just decided to try it. I was worried she would fall out but I stood back and took a few shots. This page is to remind myself of 2 things:
1- Kids change and grow so YOU need to change as well.
2- Letting Lola explore on her own without me hovering is best- even if it means a skinned knee. BACK! Helicopter parent, BACK I say!

It is incredibly hard to take a photo of Lola on a sunny day.
She simply REFUSES to look up- not even a balloon helps!

MuChOs SmOoChEs!

1 comment:

  1. keep pluggin away - you gotta get a lot under your belt first :-) love the story these pics tell. also - oooh! swallow stamp :-)


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