
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Scraplifting with us at XOXO

WHAT? It's June 16th!!!! Is it me or is time speeding up?
And you- dear reader- have you checked out True Xoxo and tried to lift one of the pages there? There's a fantastic prize just WAITING to be snatched up!

This page was intended for May but has been moved up to June. Perhaps it inspires you to make one of your own?

Xoxo went through a transition but now we are back. A team of wonderfully diverse pages awaits the adventurous scrapper.

I know my page could use some improvements- like a plain colored background on those photos which currently get lost in the Crate paper stripes.
But I digress!!
Check out the other challenge page s here: Xoxo Design Challenge 19

Someone PLEASE explain how plain water in the bottle is YUCK
but plain water in the bottle cap is ok. As long as she's drinking....
MuChoS SmOoChes!



  1. I love the combination of the striped background paper and all the embellishments.

  2. cool layout!! I love the stripes :) Your little girl is just gorgeous - i remember those days when the everything in the bottle was yuck but the bottle top, a wee cup or anything else was yumo! :)


Ok peeps lets CHAT! You tell me what you REALLY think and I PROMISE to keep it open minded here.