
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Michelle gets PUNKY!!!

Woo HOOOO! I want to announce that I've been chosen as a 2011 Design Team Member for Punky Scraps!!! YEAH BABY! I love this challenge blog! It encourages you to be precious OR bitchy- which is what most people are- variable, changeable and sometimes inexplicable but always TRUE.
What's THIS???
I wish I had a Punky project to share but I've been concentrating on a much delayed wedding invite project for my sister, Leticia, whos' getting married July 30th in Minori, Italy.  AAAHH I just LOVE SAYING THAT!!
I promised Letty I would have everything together before she got here for her annual April visit. Letty works in London as a sports and health educator for a private school (her title is very British and I constantly forget it so I call her "Coach") I love my sister- she's awesome- she's also a true free woman- do NOT tell that chick what to do OR ELSE.

Original design concept. I look at this now and go- meh!
I like Letty's crazy butterfly parade more.

I dilly dallied on the invites. It's my first big card project. It's a WEDDING. The groom comes from a TRADITIONAL Italian family. One word-BASILICA. 

I got... skeered.
I waffled like a mid-term presidential candidate on the paper order. 
I delayed putting together the final design. 
I ordered and re-ordered ribbon samples. 
I FREAKED over the printing of the actual invite. 
I set my self up for many a neurotic break down and spasm away I did. 
Way to over-think it right?

Here are my two faves of the design fest:
On the left is my original color scheme.
On the right is Letty's color improvisation.
We made 88 of these babies! WHOOP WHOOP!
I ran my poor open-minded sister ragged over the placement of butterflies and length of ribbon. I yelled over what I called "Glue Glops".  
I actually said to my sister- THE BRIDE- as SHE HELPED ME instead of enjoying her week off in NYC: "NO Pink! You must follow PROCEDURE!!!! If you're gonna help YOU GOTTA DO WHAT I SAY!"
Oh yes I did! Told you I went completely mental!
I like the final outcome- no card is the same.
More photos, vendor details and a complete list of evil things I said will be coming next week. Right now I'm celebrating my PUNKY SCRAPS acceptance!! I will also be their  one of the DT Coordinators. Promise I will not tell you guys to FOLLOW PROCEDURE. :)
YAY!!!!! So gonna rock out on these pages!!!!

MuChOs SmOoChEs!


  1. Congratulations girl!!!! Can't wait to see what you design next. Ummm... how many invitations did you have to make?

  2. DUH! Sorry! It was 85- we actually made 88 because we lost three in the maddened last few hours and had to scramble for more ribbon- Micheal's LOVES me. :)

  3. Woot!! Congrats on the Punky Scraps DT!!!! =)

  4. congrats on Punky Scraps...I do not know this site but will check it out...and ps-don't stress about the invites...

  5. LOVE these invites - especially as they are all different...and big congrats on the DT! Your LO's have been looking aaamazing these last weeks!!
    Lowri :-)

  6. cool invites and YAAAAY!!! Great to have you xox

  7. I think they turned out FABULOUS! Great job Michelle:) and PUNKY SCRAPS! Whoo WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! That is awesome!

  8. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! Whoo-hoo!


Ok peeps lets CHAT! You tell me what you REALLY think and I PROMISE to keep it open minded here.