
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Paper Issues Blog Hop Give-Away WINNER! Week 1

Ok I had a VERY HARD TIME with this. 
1. I wanted to be super fair and impartial.
2. I tried and FAILED to learn how to use to pick from both my followers AND the comments.
What to Do?
Daddy-O and Miss Lola came to my rescue.  As truly impartial pickers (neither reads my blog) (ZING!) they volunteered (were cajoled) to pick one of you wonderful readers as the winner for my first give-away ever!
Some pix:
The names all get written on a piece of paper- new followers get 1 extra name in the mix. 
Lola's Easter basket does double duty. (Try to say THAT twice)
Trial run with Kashi so Miss Lola gets into "picking mode".
She's going in!
AAARGH! Several names are chosen- DISASTER!
Daddy steps in for final pick (he put all the names back in except one).
We have a WINNER!
Congratulations VANILLA CARMEL!!!!!!! Please email me your info: hernandm1-at-yahoo-dot-com (had to write it out because- get THIS- I'm now getting spam email from dating services all over the world! WOO HOOOO!) and the package will be on it's way over to you. If you choose to make your own mini (or any other type project using this stuff) please send me pix and I will feature your project here and link back to your blog.
You win THIS!!!!
Vanilla's prize YAAAY!!!
I want to see what you make with this!!!!
Ok that was THIS week's winner- 1 more drawing will happen next sunday with all the same names and any new followers or commenters that happen by. A lucky commenter/new follower will win THIS:

Second week prize still up for grabs! Drawing April-2-11
Please tell all your friends to swing by Paper Issues and participate in the blog hop. If they link up their own projects and leave comments they are eligible for the main prize (a wonderful kit of Crate Paper Neighborhood goodies- YUM! Photo Below). You also have a chance to get featured on our blog! PRESS- it's GOOD! You can start the hop and link your projects HERE:
Paper Issues Main Blog Hop prize- drawing on April 2nd.
MuChOs SmOoCheS!


  1. congrats to Vanilla Carmel-cool name!!!

  2. LOL! I was going to say the same thing KateB! Cool Vanilla Carmel! Congratulations!

  3. Congrats to the winner! Miss Lola is such a cute winner picker! :D

  4. Congrats, Vanilla Carmel! What a fab prize!

  5. Congrats, Vanilla Caramel! And I agree with Maggi: the cutest name picker!

  6. Haha! So cute! I learned how to choose "random" numbers in my Statistics class today ironically! :-)


Ok peeps lets CHAT! You tell me what you REALLY think and I PROMISE to keep it open minded here.