
Monday, February 14, 2011

Scrapper Block!

Untitled Coney Island Page 2/14/2011
MATERIALS: Core'Dinations paper- mustard, London Tierney buttons- Etsy, punchinella, seahorse and twine from  Gauche Alchemy on, Claudine Hellmuth Studio Classic Teal acrylic paint, My Mind's Eye scallop ribbon
We've all been through it once- the awful feeling- you want to scrap or you have an assignment due for a team or manufacturer but you have ZERO ideas- zero motivation- zero MOJO. OOOOOHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
Detail 1- pop dot fish. Can't figure out why
photos are so out of focus- LOOK MA- no facial details!
Glued twine- hard to do but FUN
I'm battling a nasty case of Mojo No Go right now. I never get writer's block as there's always something to complain about or ruminate- just look at the world news report! But this time I'm having problems with everything from design, to titles, to putting some danged products together. I'm blaming the crapola weather and my scrap space "organization".

What do YOU do when you want to scrap but you hate everything before you?
The kitchen table- cleanest it's been in MONTHS!
Here's what I did in exact order:

  • Complain to husband who volunteered I should probably clean the kitchen (AKA scrap) table
  • Eat sushi- take out revenge for being told to clean
  • Write to scrap bestie and complain (but she's going through the SAME THING!)
  • Surf the scrap blogs for ideas
  • First FREAK OUT- general freakyness
  • Buy more paper and Hambly Studio trannies
  • Sit down and MAKE MYSELF put a page together (result: lots of cut up paper)
  • Visit favorite artist blogs and wallow in envy and self pity
  • Second FREAK OUT! Why can't I whip something together like all these other fabulous women?
  • Eat ice cream
  • Organize supplies:

Everything in it's own place- now where did I leave my BRAIN????

  • Third FREAK OUT- organizing actually made the situation worst. Now I have to remember where I put everything!
  • Visit my gallery and reminisce about when I used to have ideas.
  • Go to local art journal exhibit and check out some FUNKY journal projects
  • Watch TV 
  • Sit down and force myself to add whatever onto a page- actual page results.
Total time spent: 72 hours

Notice I never said take care of Miss Thing- that happens the entire time naturally.
MuChOs SmOoChEs!


  1. i shouldn't laugh at your situation but you make me wanna (sad/happy face) - i think the trick is to turn your back on your mojo, pretend it's dropped waaaay down your Important Things list, and then it'll get all huffy and come looking for you again x

  2. hahaha!!!! funny story behind your scrappers block..very interesting.. :)) LOL!!!
    I totally get you..sometimes..I can go for days with scrappers block..thats when I spend too much time on a LO!! hahaha!! :))


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