
Saturday, December 18, 2010

Holy Canoli!!! 28 followers! THANK YOU!!!

I want to thank all of you who have dropped by and left tracks- it's awesome to have such supportive and talented eyes looking at my over-cooked "creations". I get inspired by your blogs and TRY really hard to keep up. :)
Here's something I've been ruminating:

The back of  my project's page. AWESOME!!!!!
I find the backs of my stitched projects fascinating- they look so abstract! There's a prolonged project in this- I FEEL it!
Someone recently asked me where I got my ideas from. I couldn't answer. I know I work in spurts and then I need "rest" which used to mean reread some of my Terry Pratchett novels but I had to give them away to make room for my scrap boxes- now you know how much I love this hobby.
Ideas & Inspirations notes
If I complete a page I move right onto another while I'm still "buzzing". This drives my husband mad as he can't really talk to me. I tend to ignore everything when I'm "working". So I write ideas down- sometimes it takes me months because new ideas tend to get made first. 

Mostly I've been shopping the sales this week:
@Home Goods- AC paper pads for 7 bucks!! Flat stickers
for 4 bucks- 490 sticks per package!
@Michael's- 40% off everything- Sassy paper pads for 6 bucks! AC glitter paper 90
cents per page. T!m Holtz on sale!!!
It's amazing what you find as soon as you LEAVE NYC. Home Goods is my fave place to find DCWV & American Crafts cardstock and Martha Stewart brand products for 60 to 75 % off sticker price. But you have to be lucky and travels miles to Yonkers, Long Island- or YIKES- Jersey.

Last plug- Claudia over at Die Cuts R US has a great store name change SALE going on. I don't know Claudia- I just like that she is selling Tim Holtz paper tape for $3.50 so I wanted to tell ya'll- cause I LIKE you!!!! January 1st the store will become Claudia & Co so go now and pick up some QEEUUUUTE stuff for CHEAP.



  1. hey! congrats! am intrigued by the stitching - turn it over, I wanna see the other side :-)

  2. I love Home GOods but I've never seen scrapbooking supplies in there; I may need to start walking the whole store, espec the back area where that kind of stuff may be! Thanks for the tip!

  3. You are a girl after my own heart! Look at all that glitter and shine! You are making me swoon here! I want to see the front of that LO too :)


Ok peeps lets CHAT! You tell me what you REALLY think and I PROMISE to keep it open minded here.