
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Date Night

Goodness Miss Lola is changing SO MUCH (and driving my BATTY!) She won't nap, she won't let me put her in her crib, she won't let me wash dishes never mind trying to be creative. Is this normal? But I can't fill this post up with complaints- life is short and so are digital attention spans so here are 2 layouts for this week. The first is about the always welcome "night off":
Date Night using Penci lLines sketch 213
Pencil Lines sketch 213 by Laura Harrison

Is it totally wrong that I look forward to Grandma's night all month? It's the only night I get 8 hours of actual sleep! Even when Lola was a NEWBORN I got more sleep than I do now. Oh sorry- I said NO complaints woman!

I used another Jenny Bowlin Core'dinations paper, Smooch silver spritz, a teeny bit of my PRECIOUS magic mesh and some left over packing material for this. The "I heart NY" buttons are photos lifted off the net but I'm planning an expedition to ChinaTown to get the actual thing- page on THAT to come- ChinaTown is fun but also incredibly vexing.

Here is an INTERESTING page.  My best friend Kinsella Valies GOT MARRIED!!!! In JAPAN!!!! In a KIMONO- or rather TWO gorgeous kimonos. And the KICKER????? Wait for it... WAIT FOR IT...
Kinsella's Most EXCELLENT Wedding
WHO feels like a tool for not attending? I DO!!! I DO!!!!! Kinsella is now my official hero and I love her forever and ever and EVER!!!!!! More pages on this friggin' AWEEEEESOME wedding to come!!!!

I was so happy I found a solution for this page! I really wanted to commemorate how I felt but I had no photos since Chella's wedding shots are still M.I.A. (hint, hint HIIIIINT) The shots were totally lifted from K's facebook so they are low rez- that's why they are so itty bitty. 

For this page, I cut up of some Amy Butler paper (a designer I LOOOOVE) and made things happen with some 7 gypsies transparencies meant for ATCs. I really wish there were more victorian floral tranny designs on the market.....

THANK YOU MOJODAWN for the leaf pins and the notebook paper! I love the package of goodies you sent my way- I'm working on an equally fun thank you!!!

And that's it!

Muchos SmOoChEs!!!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful layering in LO 1 and #2 is both unique and beautiful!


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