
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Vellum circles ROOOOCK!

Over the weekend I had sort of a mini scrappy break down.
I gave away 3 boxes worth of stuff to my aunt who wants to get into scrapbooking.
I threw out a lot of "scraps" I had been saving for Project 360.
Have you noticed I haven't posted a Project 360 page in over 6 weeks?
It's just so much effort!
I think I will re-imagine the project as simple paper and photos- no matching embellishments. 
Just till I get back into the swing of things. 
I LOVE looking at the 8 pages I have from January but they took several days each to complete.
Here is a quick page I made while Miss Lola napped for today.
Materials: Crate Paper, Gauche Alchemy washi tape, Ormolu fabric strips and journaling spots,
Ali Edwards sentiment stamp (I wish my hand writing looked like that), Fancy Pants coffee filters,
Smash arrow clips (LOVE!!), vellum and Fiskars circle punches. Also the new K & Co label maker.
 I LOVE that thing!! It's so easy to use!!!
This is just a fun page to get the creative juices flowing.
I only made 4 original pages in May! 
Scrappy disaster! Everything else was a redo- all I see in my pages lately are the mistakes.
The photos on this page were taken with the Photobooth app. 
The photos are incredibly well defined for low rez so I think I will be using that app more often- each photo in the strip is 600dpi do you can enlarge them to 3 by 4 with very little noise.

A few detail shots:
Loving turquoise and red together lately.
K and Co arrow shaped paper clips will need to come home in multiples.
They are so tiny and perfect!

Punching vellum should have occurred to me sooner! I love using transparent items on my
pages because they add so much detail without cluttering things up. I'm given to adding
and adding till I just can't fit anything else so making pages like this is new for me.
So what did you accomplish this lovely long weekend?

The Eastern Oracle by Heather Hart over at The Brooklyn Museum.
You get to climb a roof! Awesome sauce!
MuChOs SmOoChEs!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Gauche Alchemy Goodness- color, pages, messy fun-ness

Once again I am struggling with lack of mojo.
Not because the ideas aren't there but because when I approach the table, my mind goes completely blank!
How could this be?

In bed? GENIUS IDEA! OMG can't wait to wake up tomorrow and get started!
In the park with Miss Lola? AWESOME motif and journaling ideas! Can't wait to get home and KICK PAPER BOOTY!
In the shower. woo hooo paper pattern combo to die for!!! Lemme just finish washing my hair...
While I'm walking. Oooo! PHOTO! PHOTO!!! layering technique madness!
IDEAS! Flow! Excitement!
Step up to the plate?
seas of white
tv static- brain ones

The secret to get over it (I've heard and have started putting into practice) is to work through it.
NO! Don't throw away that perfectly hideous piece!
Look at it.
Why did you feel the need to add that color?
Why did you choose that photo?
The papers or embellishments?
If you find your temples thrumming take a step back.
Ok walk away entirely and do something else for a while.
But try to come back, ok?
There is a reason for everything.
You may not find out why you made that first version of your project but you may dig up a kernel of something you can work on next time.
So here are 2 "first drafts" (which I really like)

Why is this a first draft?
 I love the color and that I used a photo that was printed on the wrong side of the paper by mistake (hence the title) but the design is lacking (or frankly, non-existent). I thought I should paint a window in the Hambly transparency but soon realized I would have to use a craft knife to make a blank space for the photo but my hand cutting skills are severely lacking so I chickened out. Next time I'll take this to the next level and cut that window out.
A page using the Gauche Alchemy Monstrous Mutant Robots from Outer Space Kit and some blue punchinella.
This is up over at the Gauche blog today. I've used washi tape on both these pages to make random lines- I love that design element. I also love triangles and arrows so they go in. This is actually a SECOND draft. The first one was too strange looking. Here I ignored the crowded print and decided to just flow with the robots and add as much color to the page as I could. There is a more effective design solution for this- I haven't found it yet.
WHOA! Now that I see the pages together I see I've scrap lifted myself! That happens a lot lately- I really need to start making sketches in advance.
Also? LOVING the strips of circles or arrows!! Will be doing that more!
See? Already winning!

And you?
What are some mojo kick starters or pages you think are "almost there"?
Leave a comment!
 I can swing by and help you out (or most likely- leave raving love all over your blog)
Street poster- so cool!!!
Thanks for spending time here!

Explaining yourself. Don't do it.

Now that I'm on Pinterest I see thousands of awesomely designed meme quotes.
Apparently these have been around for a while.
I just wasn't plugged into Tumblr or other digi spaces where graphic designers get open on quotes and make them into fun bits you can share.

Here's one:

And another:

A run-in with a friend this week has taught me- when someone steps in the crap...
Call them.
Tell them they stepped in the crap.
Listen. listen. listen.
If they get huffy just say you will call them back and go away for a while.

DON'T- DO. NOT. try to explain why you are angry over email.
Don't do it three times.
Most people- friends, family, your kids, your co-workers- humans in general- will not read the email the way you intended it.
They will read this: "You suck. much. suckage. lots. you. forever."
You could be the most eloquent.
The MOST fair.
The MOST righteous.
But being right isn't the point in a relationship- especially a long term one.

And perhaps you (me- always me- me me me) are in an altered state due to whatever stuff you managed to dredge up from the bottomless depths.
This "stuff" is great for creativity and originality but also puts the "crazy" in
"That (Colloquial Feminine Term) is (Out)house rat KEE RAY RAY!"

You might not have an idea how angry you are until someone (your sister. who reads Shakespeare. who knows all about people who think in poison daggers)
This person of truth says:
"DUUUDE- you're like- AGGRO. all. the. time. these days!"
To this you say- "WHAAAAT? Insert LAAAME-O excuse here!"
Add another one for good measure: "Lameity, lame, lame!!"
The lady doth protest too much.

You thought you were happy. ????? You tell everyone you are SO. HAPPY!
Diane Keaton in "First Wives Club" SO. HAAAPPYYY!!!!
"Doing GREAT! Couldn't be BETTER!!!"
What. is. up?
You take mental inventory:
"On my (BLEEEP!) list..."
Holy COW!

You (remember- ME- I mean ME) get into a MAJOR tiff with someone you love and want to keep around because they are generally awesome if a bit judgey pants (but only sometimes).... (and only because they care).... (and because they value different things)
Which is WHY these different type people are valued and loved and appreciated.
 (silently apparently???).
So that "tiff" turns into a nasty fight.
And before you know it.
No more friend.

So the question is- how many times does this happen before you realize the problem is you?
You could blame the friend (or the family member or the co-worker)
You could get all huffy and post emo FB statuses that put-off EVERYONE.
You could say you are trying to stay real and only want people around who really appreciate you.
But in the end, you are alone.
REAL, but alone.
Balance and perspective.
That is what is required.
You make that call.
You make the obligatory apology.
Then you wait and hope the offended party..
 (who admittedly started the whole thing but really, who's counting? You ARE 38, right? Not 8! You wish you were 8. 8 would mean it's still socially acceptable to throw a tantrum. Tantrums are ALL the awesome sauce- but only when YOU do it. If someone throws a tantrum and you happen to be around, it's ALL the suck)
...hope the offended party comes back.

Did you learn from this experience?
Will it happen again?
You have a toddler.
Will you let it happen when she's 10? When she's 15?
When she's 21?
You have a husband.
He said do not write emails.
He said do not go on Facebook.
He said look! SQUIRREL!
But you did not go chase the squirrel.
You let the dogs out and they pooped all over your friendship.
Pick up the pieces.
pieces pieces pieces.
Put them back together again.
paste paste paste.
Oh no! I see the cracks!
But in some circles, that's called texture.
It adds character to the work.
Your life.
Two sides to everything. Two sides.
MuChos SmOoChEs!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Funny story. WHY HAMBLY??? WHY? And also, SWAG!

A card made with Gauche Alchemy's Neon Color Kit.
Happy Monday folks!
The plan was to get all emo with my latest dramz but all that has to be pushed aside because frankly- who the heck wants to hear all that nonsense, right?
We ALL have trials and tribulations.
I was in the subway yesterday and this dude was asking for money and his story reached "The Iliad"proportions so I gave him a dollar and a smile.

I usually avoid the smiles when I had over the duckets (that's a link to the Urban dictionary- read definition number 5 and laugh yer tail right off)
Smiling signifies an approachable nature and before you know it, you are listening to a smelly dude talk about space aliens zapping people to make them compliant.

By the way- were you one of the lucky ones who got to see the partial solar eclipse yesterday?
Am I gonna get to see a photo?
Nasa' s "projection" of what you got to see if you lived in
the western part of the US. I won't hate on you TOO much.
Anyway, back to my story...
So about a year ago, this smelly homeless guy sits next to me as Lola and I rode the subway to Central Park. He talks very closely and  intensely about aliens and their culinary particulars for 4 entire stations. (The equivalent of an eternity in terms of nasal comfort).
All because MISS LOLA was all cute and cuddly and smiled at him and said "GOOO!"
BETRAYED by my toddler!
I managed a hasty: excusemeIgottagothanksfortheveryinterestinginformationbutthisismystop...
as I got up and rammed our cheap 35 dollar Chicco stroller into a random pair of ankles in my NEED to expeditiously extricate myself from said conversation.
BING BONG! Slam! went the subway car doors behind me.
Whew! SAFE!
The smile that attracts thousands- not MINE! Hers!
So I don't smile.
I wear the dog face.
Luckily, the new and improved terrible Twos Lola (or LOLZ 2.0) is more interested in screaming at the top of her lungs that she MUST walk around the subway car and impersonate a human pin ball right this very SECOND! NOW! NOW!! NOW!!!
Which does WONDERS for magically rendering subway seats empty and cancels out the yammering of alien tale-tellers (but not the smell- alas).

So I give up the goods if someone impresses me with their personal version of Paul Bunyan's flap jacks.
Some people would say I'm a fool to encourage that behavior.
Well, I love me a good story and this guy had a major brain disease, Iraq War veteran status, 3 hungry kids (WHY always 3? ALWAYS!) and an electric bill to pay. (electric bill? POINTS FOR RANDOM!)
But WAIT that's NOT all!
He had gotten stabbed several times and was showing the wounds to anyone interested.
HELLO! Positively Homer-rific!
So I paid up.
It's what you do when you live in the city.

By now you are all "I've lost 10 minutes of my scrap blog reading time! WTG MICHELLE!"
Sorry guys.
Maybe you are all: "Why all the emo, Chellster?"
(You can call me that- it would make me happy)

Hambly has decided to call it quits.
If I can't get emo about that I don't know WHAT is worth a good cry.
I've heard rumors that Art Director Allison Kreft Abad is now teaming up with Echo Park so it's not ALL ruin and devastation.
If you can confirm this piece of news for me I would GREATLY appreciate it.
AS IF Echo Park could possibly get MORE awesome!

Also this (which cancels most of the regularly scheduled emo):

I KNOW! Right?
(NOPE! I did NOT make that up- you can look it up in the Urban Dictionary- my source of choice)

I went to the Keith Haring exhibit at the Brooklyn Museum last weekend.
If you have the chance you should go. 
MuChoS SmOoChEs!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

On Blogger followers, Google Friends Connect and redoing cards

Ok so after some searching on the internet for this Google Friends Connect dilemma- wait-
I don't want to lose anyone...
Google Friends Connect is the little "join this site" box there (pointing to the lower right of this blog) with all the friendly faces.
The box is staying but anyone who reads you on a different blogging platform (like Wordpress or TypePad) will no longer be able to follow you using that box)

NO SOUP FOR YOU! Un-blogger blogers!!

That means you'll be limiting your reader base. Time to diversify!

Some of my favorite blogers are using:
Blog Lovin'  
Networked Blogs apps 
or asking readers to follow via email.

See that teeny tiny box up there (pointing to the upper right)?
If you like what I do, sign up and get me in your inbox at least 3 times a week.

Some of you have "upgraded" to new Blogger formats and are now looking for more info.
Blogger has a website for that.
"Blogger Buzz"
Yay! Click on me! Get taken to a totally bewildering website and read for HOURS!

So I will keep looking and linking and talking to help ya'll out.
Us scrappy peeps gotta stick together!

Here is this week's project.
This is a redo of a card I made for fellow Scrap FX DT member Scarlett who sent me some much wanted Target washi tape at the drop of a hat She's SO AWESOME!

Materials: Washi tape and punchinella from Gauche Alchemy, flair buttons from
"A Flair for Buttons"on Etsy, Ormolu arrows tag (fave ever!), Bazill white cardstock.
I added the alphas from K & Co to give the card's sentiment visual clarity. The handwritten
 "thank you" was totally lost before. I also gave up that FABULOUS red arrow button. Scarlett deserves it. 
Lola and I are "collaborating" again.
She did the splashing and stamping on this card that is still "in the works".
Buttons from A Flair for Buttons- love that place!
It's wednesday- the most effective blog posting day of the week- have YOU posted today?
Write it up and POST mi gente!
Someone wants to read it!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Tuesdays are better! A Scrap FX Post

I hope you had a great Mother's Day weekend!
I will be celebrating next saturday since this weekend was don't disturb The Hubs who's studying for  finals week.

I've been struggling mightily with staying creative while also chasing a very active 2 and a half year old around a very small apartment.
It seems every time I turn around she's got a pair of scissors or some glue in her hands- not the friendly versions.
The ones that make me squeal in motherly terror.

I made this for Scrap FX but feel it's due for a make over so here's version one and you'll see version 2 there in a week or so.
Materials: Scrap FX Dinosaur mixed pack (2007287), Itsy Bitsy Bets "Typewriter" 2005103,
I altered several frames to make the "instant" ones here. Decorative frame "artsy" 2012044,
Simple frame A rectangle 2012047. I also used Studio Calico paper, Gauche Alchemy washi tape and
, A Flair for Buttons "Love You" button and regular staples I colored black using a marker.
Detail shots:
A Flair for Buttons "Love You" and Scrap FX Simple frame
Love this Tyranosaurus chipboard! I couldn't help
adding some stacked buttons left over from my shadow
box project. I love that look now.
I had a "brain wave" to use vellum for my journaling
to soften the look but it was see through so I had to back it
up with white paper. I nixed this project after using
watered down acrylic paint and warping the paper so badly I had
to cut it down to 8 by 11 size.
This week I sat down and started doing research on Mommy and Me craft projects because Miss Thang gets really crazy when it's raining and she can't go on her usual 4 hour walk.
NOPE! I'm not EVEN kidding.
It's walk her till she literally falls asleep or deal with mini Hulk.

So if you see I'm posting less or not getting around to your blogs and leaving much deserved love it's because I'm conserving time for the kiddo.

She's only 2 for so long.

MuChoS SmOoChEs!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Scrapping with unusual colors and funnies from the blogging front

I'm Googling like a mad woman trying to figure out why some of my teamies over at Scrap FX have new blog formats they can't "follow" people on.
Do you know what I mean?
Have you updated your Blogger blog lately and found your "follow" button now reads "share"?
What's THAT all about???
If you know, share please!
Google is NO HELP.
I can't  find articles no matter how many search terms I put into the search bar.
Which made me wonder- what search terms are landing people here?

  • 3 people found me by using: "fly story with stencil": That. Right there. Is awesome! FLY story? YES PLEASE! I luuurv me some FLY stories! 
  • 3 with: "Puerto Rican Pride":  Ok. I got the pride. I have a digi Puerto Rican Flag permanently flying in my Pinterest account and it only gets pinned by other Puerto Ricans. Abrazos a todos! This is a scrapbook blog- if you can roll with that, we are main buds. Hey, do you mind sharing your flan recipe? Please?
  • 3 with: "Scrap FX": WHAT? ONLY 3? MUST correct that! ASAP!
  • 3 with: "stencil of Puerto Rican flag for": FOR WHAT? Guys, you've totally left me hanging! For baking? For rinsing beets with? What already?
  • 2 with: "Billy drinking pop + red fern"- HUH? How are Billy's pop drinking habits connected to scrapbooking? RAAAANDOM! Red Fern? That's a book. I know from my searching Ebay for live ferns to buy. Yes I used to buy ferns, ON EBAY.
  • 2 with "EK Success punches with settings": So cool! Now what are these settings you are looking for? You KNOW I'm going to be looking that up! I'll be finding myself next!

I never posted my May True Xoxo Scrapbooking challenge page!!!
Swing by and play along!
Here it is:
I used Gauche Alchemy's limited edition Neon color kit to make this page.
You'll also spot some embossed lines I made with a score board and bone folder-
thanks to Melissa Mann for that idea. The chipboard alphas and flourish are from Scrap FX.
I used gel pens and neon pastel crayons to finish them.
And this? Apparently, I forgot I submitted a page a month in advance
Cosmo Cricket Heart in The Dark alphas and blackboard chippies, bling from Kaiser Kraft
Crafter's Workshop basket weave stencil, Tattered Angels Mermaid Glimmer glam, Smash tape and
some AWESOME EK Success stamps.
So swing by True Xoxo Girls are get to scraplifting!
I fully give you permission to STEAL THESE PAGES!
(Can I get a small mention though? Come on- you love me! Admit it!!!! )

Well hello there, gorgeous! (summer 2010)
MuChOs SmOoChEs!
And a digi PR flag waving! I'm a PROUD Boricua!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Get messy and kick start the mojo!

So it's 5:22pm on May 9th. Really.
I feel like I'm on a moped speeding down the highway over here!
Only it's more boring than that- like maybe it's an electric bike- not a Vespa which would be awesome actually.
My husband would take offense at my electric bike dig.
Electric bikes are apparently the sliced bread of motorized mobility.

Been on a "so many ideas, so little results" down swing lately.
I have the motivation and the inspiration but it's all going to pot on the page right now.
Last night- at around midnight I might add-
I made this.
Materials:  Red punchinella, plastic white embroidery grid and washi tape from Gauche Alchemy,
Crate Paper Storyteller paper, "I love" pin from A Flair for Buttons on Etsy, Heidi
Swapp "Epic" photomat, 7 Gypsies tape, American Crafts star border punch, Studio Calico wood
veneer hearts, camera, arrows and stars. Mister Huer in Schoolhouse red and Cream, Prima
Chalk ink stamp pad in cream and yellow.
Just trying to get over the hump and get cracking.
It's probably due to the piles and piles and PILES of crap on my desk.
Seriously- piles- it's not remotely fun to look at it since it's begging to get cleaned.
I'm starting to show on my pages.

 Here are some detail shots:
Creepily accurate map!
Perfect for Project Life or for those who prefer smaller embellishments on their pages.
I bought a "choose your own mix" pack of 12 flair buttons and got to mix and match.
A Flair for buttons- Etsy.

I've had these GCD Studio paper strips since last summer but they were hidden away in a
random flower pot I was supposed to alter. I found them while searching for my bag
of sewing machine thread which has been missing for over a month. 
I watered down some neon yellow paint and spilled it on the page.After it dried, I sprinkled some black Mister Huey mist on it but everything ran together. I finally realized I don't need to buy black staples. I can just use a permanent marker on the ones I already have. Brain? Where have you been?
May 7th- Wants to walk the dog but refuses to take the hat off. It's 70 degrees out.
UPDATE!!! Studio Calico just released it's Summer 2012 collection!! HEXAGON MASK!!!! Mistable fabric Ali font Thickers!! SUNRAY STAMP! And typewriter wood veneers! It's gonna be an AWESOME June!!!

MuChos SmOoChEs!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Scrap FX Blog Hop Winner and a page for Cocoa Daisy

The winner for the Scrap FX goodies is Paula of My Creative Ramblings.

UPDATE- May 8th! Paula DID follow my blog but for some reason I didn't get a notice so disregard yesterday's note. Sorry Paula- you got back to me right away- thank you!

It sure was a crazy weekend. International  Scrapbooking Day had me jumping from Cocoa Daisy to Scrapbooks and Cards Today (a Canadian Magazine) trying to finish challenges on time.

Here is a page for the graffiti challenge over at Cocoa Daisy- have you SEEN the Graffiti Bridge kit?
I made this for for the Cocoa Daisy Kite Strings challenge in which you had to use more than 12 inches
of string. The chipboard is from Scrap FX.  The washi tape is from Gauche Alchemy which has some fantastic color and print themed combos- check the out HERE.  
Naturally the kit already sold out. I am a stamp subscriber so I at least got my hands on their FABULOUS stamps!

Some detail shots!
The photo is printed on the back of the paper
by mistake giving it a painterly look. 
It took 4 days to dry so I couldn't touch it much...
which is why it's wonky on the page.
I used watered down cream colored acrylic paint and washi tape to alter
this chipboard title- one of my all time favorites from Scrap FX.
Gauche Alchemy washi tape- get some!
The black staples are from Making Memories
love how rock and roll they look!
Side note!
Miss Lola does ATTITUDE in the BEST way!
Much love mi gente!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

CHIPBOARD MADNESS! Welcome to the Scrap Fx Blog Hop!!

Welcome, welcome chipboard lovers!
It's so great to finally share my LOVE for Scrap FX with people who understand!

My name is Michelle.
I'm living it up in Brooklyn, NY, USA with husband Dave and STAR of the show: Miss Lola.

I was over the moon when I heard I would be joining the Scrap FX design team!
I then did a double take when I saw the work of my fellow team mates.
There's not a middling talent in the whole bunch!

Here's today's mission (should you choose to accept it):
  • You have 11 fantastic blogs to navigate.
  • You have until midnight Sunday, May 6th (Eastern Standard Time) to do so.
  • You MUST leave a comment on EACH BLOG to win the GRAND PRIZE:
Just over 100 dollars worth of Scrap FX Chipboard!!
Many which you may NOT find in US stores!
Blog Hop Order

I will be giving away a prize for anyone who follows this blog using Networked Blogs or Google Reader or the email link at the upper right.
You can also follow my Tumblr, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram feeds (boxes to the right of this screen).
Leave a separate comment for each way you've decided to follow and I will enter you to win my prize. 
The more ways you follow the more chances you have to win. 
My Analog Life Blog Hop Special- A wedding themed mini kit!
Just follow and leave a comment letting me know!
Ok onto my special project for today.
You'll see several versions of the Shadow Box on the hop- they are SPECTACULAR!
Perfect for a Mother's Day Gift and a real challenge for an everyday moments scrapper like me.
This one is on it's way to Grandma's House.
 I painted the box light grey and used coarse texture gel to add a chevron surface texture to the
frame but realized the final look was too edgy for a baby project so the buttons went on top.
 I FINALLY got rid of all those pink and mint green buttons!!! WHEW!
Quick detail shots:
Scrap FX script font wordletts are delicate but wonderfully durable!
This one went through misting, pastel crayons direct to surface and finally heat
 embossing with Stampendous Shabby Chic powder before I decided on a look.
Teeny tiny 2 and a half inch shoes! THE CUTENESS! 
I just layered the buttons all willy nilly.
I used Zip Dry paper glue.My glue gun would have been
great but it gets too messy for small items like buttons.  

Thanks for joining the Scrap FX blog hop and for joining me here on My Analog Life!

Now off you go to ooh and ahh over Misty's latest project over at:

MuChoS SmOoChEs!

Everyday Stories blog hop WINNER

I'm SO evil!
I'm forcing you to read my actual blog post to find out who won the Everyday Stories blog Hop e-book prize.
Don't worry- it's a short post.

It's a crazy week around here!
Tomorrow Wednesday, May 3rd starting at 6pm I am part of the SCRAP FX blog hop! 
Woo hoo!
You'll have 2 chances to win scrappy goodies if you follow or leave a comment.

Some photos:
GRAND PRIZE- what you get if you follow each blog in the hop
100 dollars worth of chipboard goodness, most not available in the US yet.
Wedding Theme mini pack
What you get if you are a followers (new or old) of My Analog Life
I'm so in love with my project- it's meant to be a gift for Mother's Day- I may have to keep it.
I am a Mom after all!

 Miae is the lucky winner of the Everyday Stories e-book prize on this blog! YAAAYYY!

To everyone who swung by for yesterday's Everyday Stories blog hop- THANK YOU!
I hope to see you again!

MuChoS SmOoChEs!